On March 6, 2019, at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, a Meeting of the Commission on Agrarian Innovations which dealt with “ Reforms in Forests in Georgia and the problems improving legislative basis and regulations” . Key speaker was Natia Iordanashvili, the Deputy of National Forest Agency and Teimuraz Kandelaki, Professor of Georgian Agrarian University, Merab Dvali, an expert, representative of law project group.
The meeting was attended by the President of GAAS, Academician Guram Aleksidze, Vice President, Academician Givi Japaridze, Deputy President, coordinator of Academic Departments Dr. A. Giorgadze, also Academicians A. Didebulidze, Gocha Tsepurishvili, Expert, Deputy Head of Commission on Agrarian Innovations, Academician Nodar Chitanava, Councel of the Presidium of the Academy, Revaz Chagelishvili, Academician – Secretary of Forest Scientific Department of the Academy. Among many invited guest were the academicians, forest specialists and students and other persons involved in forest management problems.
Academician A. Didebulidze read out the Meeting Agenda and GAAS President G. Aleksidze greeted the participants with introductory speech in which he stated that forming of Commission of Agrarian Innovations is a new format in the work of the Academy and its main purpose is to:
- a.collect information about the organizations and researchers working in the field of agriculture and analyze the issues and problems they deal with to be presented and recommended it to the Government;
- b.cooperate with private businesses. It is important to keep business circles informed and to state clearly the importance of close cooperation between science and business activities, as well as active involvement of business circle in researches.
The next presenter was Natia Iordanashvili, the Deputy of National Forest Agency who dealt with almost all major problems and present day situation in Georgian forests, as well as the ways of their effective management. The need for reforms caused by a number of reasons and some recent news regarding Forest Code, namely public discussions round the Code, the further activities and expected results were also discussed by Iordanashvili.
Diverse opinions about Forest Code was expressed by Academician N. Chitanava, Expert M. Dvali, Professor T. Kandelaki followed by discussion and exchange of arguments.
The meeting was summed up by Academician Givi Japaridze. He mentioned that adoption of the Forest Code is a very important issue for the further development of the country, therefore, it will be a proper approach if the persons who wishe to introduce some changes in the Code could deliver their opinions and suggestions in a written form in order to revise, analyze and compare them and prepare final version of the document to present it to the Government of Georgia in a more refined, full and agreeable format.