Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Minister of Agriculture of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara at the Academy

        On November 10, 2020, the Minister of Agriculture of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, Mr. Giorgi Surmanidze visited the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. This was his first visit to the Academy since he was appointed a Minister. It should be mentioned that the Ministry of Agriculture of Adjara was the first organization with which the Academy signed a memorandum of cooperation in 2013, and since then the cooperation in all directions has increasingly strengthened.


        In conversation with Giorgi Surmanidze, Academician G. Aleksidze told about the activities of the academy.The guest got acquainted with the structure and scientific areas of interest of the Academy, its international cooperation with world agrarian organizations and centers, scientific events held by the Academy, the publishing activities of the Academy, the scientific directions of the real members of the Academy working in Adjara and their activities. The guest visited the permanent exhibition and conference halls of the Academy, the training center for raising the qualification of farmers and agricultural specialists, the coordination center for environmental protection and agro-biodiversity, and the working cabinets of the Academy.

The Minister G. Surmanidze spoke about the plans and future prospects of the Ministry of Agriculture of Adjara for 2021, further deepening of cooperation between the Academy and the Ministry in the field of both scientific and practical activities.

The meeting with the Minister of Agriculture of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara was attended by the Vice-President of the Academy, Academician GiviJaparidze, head of the Academic Department, Academician ElgujaShapakidze, Vice President, Coordinator of Scientific Departments Dr. Anatoli Giorgadze and Academic Secretary of Scientific Departments, Dr. Marine Barvenashvili.

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President of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Acad. GuramAleksidze and the Minister of Agriculture of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara Giorgi Surmanidze.



World Science Day


Since 2001, every year on November 10, UNESCO celebrates the International Day of Science for Peace and Development. This day emphasizes the important role of science in society and the need for public involvement in the discussion of new scientific issues. It also draws attention to the importance and relevance of science in everyday life.

International Science Day for Peace and Development aims to keep citizens informed about the latest developments in science by bringing society and science closer together.

On the occasion of World Science Day, a meeting was held at the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences with scientists working in the field of agriculture. The meeting was opened by the Vice President of the Academy, Academician GiviJaparidze who congratulated the audience on the World Science Day.

Acad. G. Japaridze noted in his speech that the World Science Day for Peace and Development, founded by UNESCO in 2001, is celebrated annually in November worldwide. This day was established at the World Science Conference, also held under the auspices of UNESCO in Budapest (Hungary) in 1999 by the International Union of Science. Celebrating this date every year serves the purpose of informing the international community of the need for the role of science. Thus, World Science Day helps scientists to show the general public what place it occupies in daily life.

Academician Givi Japaridze introduced the scientific activity of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the achievements of the members of the Academy in the international scientific arena to the audience. Cooperation with the international scientific-research structures of the Academy. He underlined scientific and practical activities carried out by the Academy with the Ministries of Georgia, also with farmers, practitioners and specialists in the field of agriculture. Also, noteworthy the educational activities of the Academy conducted in the direction of educating young specialists, publishing activities of the Academy, and etc.

At the meeting Acad. Givi Japaridze presented honorary diplomas of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences to Academician-Secretary of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Academician RamazKhurodze for his contribution to the development of engineering and agrarian sciences and raising a young generation of agrarian scientists. He also awarded Professor Davit Mirtskhulava, Professor Gela Javakhishvili, Professor Nana Giorgberidze, Doctor of Agriculture Karlo Buachidze, Academy Fellows NatoJabnidze and Giorgi Kutelia, Assoc. Professor Edisher Midelashvili, Messrs. Giorgi Shermadini and Tamaz  Gugeshashvili.



Elections of the President and Vice President of the Union of European Academies for Science Applied to Agriculture, Food and Nature (U E A A), Steering Committee Meeting of UEAA

9.11. 2020

Zoom meeting from Tbilisi
Tuesday 6 October 2020, from 10.00 a.m. Paris time

On October 6, 2020, a Zoom meeting of Steering Committee of the Union of European Academies for Science Applied to Agriculture, Food and Nature was held.
The following members of the Steering Committee of UEAA attended the meeting: Guram Aleksidze (Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences), Michel Thibier (French Academy of Agriculture), Ioan Jelev (Rumanian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences), Kerstin Niblaeus (Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry), Iaroslav Gadzalo (National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine), Stefan Mihina (Slovak Academy of Agricultural Sciences).

One of the important issues on the Agenda of the meeting was

A. Election of the President of the UEAA, and
B. Election of the Vice President of the UEAA. 126471412 383798202924983 1631397671114368088 n

Academician Guram Aleksidze, the President of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, was unanimously elected the President of the Union of European Academies for Science Applied to Agriculture, Food and Nature by the members of the Steering Committee of the UEAA.

The candidacy of Academician Guram Aleksidze, who by that time was holding a position of the Acting President of UEAA, was supported by all participants of the Meeting.

Prof. Michel Thibier (France) characterized Academician G. Aleksidze as a distinguished scholar and public figure, and supported his candidacy for the presidency of the UEAA.

Next issue on the agenda was election of the Vice President of the UEAA. The Candidacy of Prof. Stefan Mihina, the President of the Slovak Academy of Agricultural Sciences, was nominated. The meeting participants voted for the named candidate and Prof. Stefan Mihina was unanimously elected as Vice President of UEAA. In his final speech, he pledged himself to cooperate fruitfully with other members and strive for further success of the UEAA.

The name of President of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Academician of National Academy, Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Guram Aleksidze is widely known in Georgia, as well as abroad. He is a distinguished scholar, the author of more than 230 scientific publications, including 17 books and more than 10 brochures, the most part of which have been published in international journals. His publications deal with integrated protection of agricultural plants (vine, fruit trees and citruses) from pests and diseases. Professor G. Aleksidze is one of the founders of scientific direction which studies pest control and integrated methods of plant protection in agriculture. The scientific studies which apply the Systems of Mathematical Modeling, implemented by Academician G. Aleksidze, which specifies interrelation of pests and useful insects in agrocoenosis – are still going on in Georgia.

For decades, Professor G. Aleksidze has been carrying out active and fruitful work cooperating with international organizations such as, CACAARI, (Head of Association of Asia and Caucasus Countries Scientific Research Organizations), CGIAR, FAO, ICARDA, CIMMYT, Biodiversity International, and other. His scientific activities in the US have been widely recognized.
Professor G. Aleksidze has carried out a many-year fruitful scientific and pedagogical work at different universities. About twenty doctorate students, among them foreign ones, have conducted researches and defended doctorate dissertations under his supervision.

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Professor Štefan Mihina  is the member of the Slovak Academy of Agricultural Science (SAAS) since 1999, Scientific Secretary of the Council since 2002 to 2012, and President of the SAAS Slovak Academy of Agricultural Science in periods since 2013 to 2018, and since 2019 onwards. He focuses on research and education in fields of animal husbandry systems, housing and technology in management context, animal welfare, and environmental issues.
Since 1985 until 2009, he worked as the part-time lector at the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and as the full-time professor since 2009 onwards.
He was the member of following international bodies: Standing Committee for Agricultural Research of the European Community (SCAR), Programme Committee of the 7th Framework Programme of EC, EU Rural network assembly, Working group on innovation for agricultural productivity and sustainability of the EIP – AGRI, Meters and Jars Subcommittee of the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR), Member of the Standing Committee for Life, Earth and Environmental Sciences (LESC) of the European Science Foundation (ESF), Member of Coordination Board of the European Initiative for Research for development (EIARD), Council of the European Federation of Animal Sciences (EAAP) – two years vice-president, and boards of editors of two scientific journals. He was the member of following national bodies: Council for Science, Technology and Innovation of the Slovak Government, Scientific Councils of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, two universities, three faculties and three research institutions, Presidium of the Slovak Research and Development Agency (vice-chairman), boards of editors of two scientific and two practical journals (chairman in one of them).

Professor Štefan Mihina was the coordinator and member of teams of seven international projects (including EC-FP) and five large national projects and is author of more than 400 papers. He is laureate of the Distinguished Service Award of European Federation for Animal Sciences, “Scientist of the Year award”, the Award of the Ministry for Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, and many others.




Prezident UEAAThe Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences announces with great sadness that Professor Antonio Michele Stanca, President of the UEAA, Vice President of the Accademia dei Georgofili (Italy) passed away   on March 19, 2020, victim of coronavirus infection spread in Italy.

Professor Antonio Michele Stanca was a great friend of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. He took an active part in the International Scientific Conference held in Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The conference "Wheat in European Countries and Georgia as one of the origin of Wheat" was held in October 2019. With his initiative It was planned in September 2020 to hold in Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences a meeting of the General Assembly of the Union of European Academies of Agriculture, Food and Nature and to organize the International Scientific Conference about "Mechanization of Agriculture in Europe and its Perspectives".

Presidium of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences expresses its deepest condolences to the family of Professor Michele Stanca and the Union of European Academies of Agriculture, Food and Nature.





Scientific Conference “Climate Change and Agrobiodiversity”

          On September 25, 2020, Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences in cooperation with the Greens Movement of Georgia / Friends of the Earth-Georgia held an online scientific conference on the topic: “Climate Change and Agrobiodiversity,” in the work of which about 60 leading and young agricultural scientists, , also representatives of ministries, various agencies and non-governmental organizations took part. Important issues of climate change and agrobiodiversity were discussed at the conference. Scientific conclusions have been made and important agreements have been reached.

     The main purpose of the conference was to raise and discuss issues related to the impact of the negative effects of climate change on agriculture. Emphasis was placed on important measures for the conservation and protection of agrobiodiversity. The aim of the conference was also to remind the country’s leaders of the challenges facing Georgian agriculture in the face of climate change and agrobiodiversity.The goal of the conference was also to remind the leaders of the country what challenges facing Georgia’s agriculture in the face of climate change and reduce of agrobiodiversity. Within the framework of the scientific forum, scientists shared experiences among each other, relevant recommendations and proposals were developed, the consideration of which will significantly mitigate the negative effects of climate change and the threat of agrobiodiversity reduction that is a cornerstone of food security in any country.

       The Conference was opened by the Vice-President of the Academy, Academician Givi Japaridze. Natia Iordanishvili, Deputy Head of the National Forestry Agency greeted the conference participants. Scientific reports were heard and a discussion was held. The work of the conference was summarized by the Vice-President of the Academy, Academician Givi Japaridze. At the end of the conference, a Declaration was unanimously adopted by the participants.


Meeting at the Ministry of Environment and Agriculture


130509706 302052487778827 4529338476770486463 n            On May 22, 2020, the leadership of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture met with scientists from the Georgian National Academy of Sciences and the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

  The meeting was attended by Minister Levan Davitashvili, First Deputy Minister Giorgi Khanishvili, Deputy Ministers Khatia Tsilosani and Solomon Pavliashvili, Heads of Departments Ekaterine Zviadadze and Tengiz Kalandadze, Head of the Division Nodar Khokhashvili.

   Meeting of GAAS members with with Georgian National Science was attended by President of the Academy Acad. Giorgi Kvesitadze, Academician-Secretary of the Academy, Acad. Ramaz Khurodze, Academician-Secretary of the Scientific Department of Agriculture Otar Natishvili, Corresponding Member of the Academy Alexander Didebulidze.       

 The meeting from the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences was attended by the President of the Academy Acad. Guram Aleksidze, Vice-President of the Academy Acad. Givi Japaridze, Head of the Academic Department, Acad. Elguja Shapakidze, Advisor to the Presidium of the Academy Acad. Nodar Chitanava, Academician-Secretary of the Food Safety and Food Technology Scientific Department Zurab Tskitishvili, Vice President, Dr. Anatoli Giorgadze.

   The main purpose of the meeting was the importance of the role of science in the main strategic measures and directions of rural and agricultural development in the country during the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic and post-pandemic period and the preparation of relevant proposals and recommendations for solving these problems.130713315 4106754719353709 4643679539489282596 n

  The meeting was opened by Minister Levan Davitashvili, who briefed the audience on the Prime Minister of Georgia Giorgi Gakharia and the government's position on the strategic plans for agricultural development in the context of the Coronavirus pandemic and the measures taken by the government in this regard. The state of implementation of the practical proposals implemented and to be implemented by the Ministry in the conditions of the pandemic and in the following years and the course of the Ministry's activities were also mentioned.

The President of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Acad. C. Aleksidze, President of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Acad. C. Kvesitadze, Acad. R. Khurodze, Vice-President of SSMM Academy, Acad. C. Japaridze, Academicians of SSMM Academy N. Chitanava and Z. Tskitishvili, Academician of the Academy Didebulidze.

The speakers noted that COVID-19 should be evaluated objectively and find ways to overcome it, develop a strategy to break the situation, generalize and implement the results of modern technologies and scientific research.



Please note that the suggestions (recommendations) of the members of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences on Rural and Agricultural Development have been approved in regards to implementation of an anti-crisis plan in terms of practical steps for the main areas of agricultural management for the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent period, and implementation of relevant recommendations for the development of individual agricultural sectors.

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The results of the meeting were summed up by Minister Levan Davitashvili, who stressed the importance of meeting with scientists and their readiness to fight the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic in any position.    

 The participants of the meeting agreed that in the future the Ministry and the Academies of Sciences and their members will take an active part in joint cooperation in various areas of agriculture to solve the problems caused by the coronavirus pandemic and the final defeat of the coronavirus.   





International Biodiversity Day
In 2000, the UN General Assembly declared May 22 as International Day

for Biodiversity

               The aim of foundation of the Day was to increase knowledge of biodiversity issues and increase human awareness in this area.

The Assembly called on States that did not accede to the Convention to become immediate supporters of Biodiversity, and 
States parties to the Convention to sign and ratify the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety as soon as possible.

The Center actively cooperates with the South Korean Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the National Center for Agrobiodiversity of the Agricultural Development Administration of Korea.

Based on the Memorandum of Understanding, a 5-year joint project is being implemented, within the framework of which a system of bilateral cooperation in the exchange, management and research of plant genetic resources is being implemented.

Bilateral expeditions to Georgia and South Korea are conducted annually to collect plant genetic resources.It should be noted that samples of Georgian cereals, vegetables and vines (more than 2000 samples in total) are stored for a long time in the General Bank of the National Center for Agrobiodiversity of the Agricultural Development Administration of Korea. 

In Georgia, Korean vegetable crops are being tested. At the same time active work is being done in terms of the exchange of vine genetic resources.

120 varieties of vines have been introduced from Georgia to Korea in this direction, which are used by the South Korean Institute of Viticulture. In addition, a subtropical culture - figs - was introduced from Georgia to Korea.

Active joint work on the study of the origin of Georgian wheat and barley varieties is underway with scientists from the Japanese and Russian Vavilov Institute of Genetic Resources. The researches to study vegetable crops are conducted in collaboration with Dutch, Czech and Russian specialists in the field.

Currently, the main goal of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences Environmental Protection, Plant Genetic Resources and Agrobiodiversity Coordination Center is to protect the Georgian environment;

Study of genetic diversity of cultural and wild plants, agricultural and wild animals and birds in Georgia; Storing material in relevant local and international gene banks for the purpose of finding, exchanging and protecting plant and animal genetic resources;

Establishing relations with international organizations; Organizing expeditions to study the agro-biodiversity of Georgia; Processing of extracted materials and scientific analysis; Prepare relevant publications and inform the public.

All of the above are short lists of activities carried out by the Academy at the Coordination Center for Environmental Protection, Plant Genetic Resources and Agrobiodiversity.

As we see, the conservation of biodiversity is a global issue in which all of humanity must be involved. As for the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, through its activities it makes a significant contribution to the preservation of the country's biodiversity.

(Information on the International Day of Biodiversity was prepared by the Academic Secretary of the Scientific Departments of the SSMM Academy, Dr. M. Barvenashvili).



World Bee Day


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Bees are the most beneficial insects that have been working for human well-being for
many millennia. According to scientists, bees live on Earth for 50-80 million years.
At first people were engaged in collecting wild bee honey, later they "tamed" it to use all the
useful products produced by bees.
Image of man-made bee-hives date back to 3000 BC. Such images were found in the territory 
of ancient Egypt and the Kingdom of Israel.
Bees are the most industrious insects in nature, bringing the greatest good to humans, plants 
and the outside world. Flowering pollinators provide not only a high yield of grains, fruits
and other fruits, but also contribute to the diversity and quality of plants, as well as food
safety and nutrition.
It is noteworthy that worldwide, three-quarters of the fruit and other crops require pollination performed by hardworking bees.
World Bee Day is celebrated all over the planet on May 20. It was founded because people paid attention to the problems of
beekeeping and stressed the importance of bees in maintaining the world eco-balance and the "health" of the planet.
There are studies that predict catastrophic ecological consequences in the event of the extinction of an important bee-plant pollinator.
There are studies that predict catastrophic ecological consequences in the event of the extinction of an important bee-plant pollinator.
The proposal for the establishment of World Bee Day was made by the Republic of Slovenia and the International Federation
of Beekeepers Associations ("Apimondia") and was unanimously approved by the UN General Assembly Resolution
(A / RES / 72/211) on December 20, 2017
Day - May 20 was chosen in honor of the famous European beekeeper Anton Jansa (1734 - 1773), who was born on May 20,
1734 in Slovenia. He made beekeeping the main activity of his life and even managed to write an auxiliary textbook, which
was published in 1771 in German.
The establishment of the International Bee Day once again reminded people of the importance of honey bees in the process 
of pollinating plants, including crops.
Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences on the occasion of World Bee Day offers an article about Georgian bees, the
authors of which are Dr. M. Peikrishvili and Dr. M. Barvenashvili.

Internet Scintific Conferencededicated to the World Veterinary Day held at the GAAS


World Veterinary Day is celebrated on the Every last Saturday of April month every year. World Veterinary Day 2020 was celebrated on the 25th of April 2020. The theme of the world veterinary day 2020 is 'Environmental protection for improving animal and human health'.

In regards to this day, on May 8-10, Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences organized a scientific conference on the topic: Perspectives of Georgian Veterinary during pandemic period and post corona period”.

Thirty-one members of veterinary scientific society took part in the Conference. The research results and scientific articles presented by them deserve particular attention.

The conference was attended by 31 veterinary scientists, whose scientific articles deserve attention and will be of interest to readers. 

The organizer of the Internet conference together with the Academic Department of the Academy was the Scientific Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine (Academician-Secretary, Academician J. Gugushvili, Academician T. Kurashvili).

The materials of the Internet conference were published in the electronic version of the Proceedings of the conference,
which was distributed to the conference participants. They will also be awarded the relevant certificates of participation in the
Internet Scientific Conference.
The collection of electronic works also includes Acad. T. Kurashvili and Doctor of Biological Sciences L. Tsitskishvili's work 
"Coronavirus Infection in Animals" (pp. 42-69), which will also be of interest to readers.
(See the electronic version of the Proceedings of the Internet Scientific Conference dedicated to the International Veterinary Dayat the link).


The Suggestions and recommendations of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences in regards to Post Corona Virus Period

131013460 781030092761846 8261268979983772960 n      The challenges caused by COVID-19 is being dealt by Georgian government, society and science, and the system oriented on rehabilitation and sustainable development of national economy is also being worked out in the result of the cooperation to address the post pandemic period successfully.

Each member of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences realizes the present threat which is a big challenge for national agriculture and agrarian sector as well.

It is very important for the researchers working in agrarian sector to concentrate on the current problems and define perspectives of further sustainable development of agriculture in Georgia.

   The key concepts and mechanisms on which the further agriculture development strategy should be based on could be read below as it is presented on the link.

The academy members’ opinions and recommendations for the post corona virus period in agriculture have been collected with the help of the electronic questionnaire. The responses (suggestions and recommendations stipulated by the members of the Academy) are sited on the link .

Online scientific Seminar at Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences


On May 4, 2020, first time in Georgia, a Scientific Seminar on: “ Potential of Scientific Studies of forest and its perspectivs” was held which was organized by Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Ilia State University.  See Agenda on the link: the organization of the Seminar the following persons were involved from the side of the Academy: Vice President, Academician Givi Japaridze, Giorgi Gagoshidze, Deputy of Academician – Secretary of Scientific Department of Forest Studies, GAAS; G. Kavtaradze, Academy scholarship owner, Doctor lasha Dolidze, Also the seminar was supported by a Academician E. Shapakidze, and Administrative Department – Dr. Anatoli Giorgadze. Academician – Secretary of Scientific Department of Forest Studies;

From Ilia state University active support to the organization of the seminar was by Prof. Lars Drosler, Dr. Mari-kate Ugrekhelidze, Giorgi Gigiauri and Akaki Chalatashvili.

About 50 people took part in the Seminar. In particular they represented:

Scientific and Academic sector: Geogian Agrarian University.

Gulisashvili Research Forest Institute ( Prof. G. kavtaradze, Prof.T. Kandelaki, Prof. N. Kobakhidze. Ilia State University ( Prof. Lars Drosler, Dr. Jhana Ekhavia, Dr. Mari-kate Ugrekhelidze, Giorgi Mikeladze and Vasil Metreveli)

  • Georgian Technical Univesity ( Prof. G. Gagoshidze, Assoc, Prof N. Lomidze, Dr. R. Tkemaladze. 130992991 134792064902846 29589514886816141 n
  • The participants were also from telavi Gogebashvili University and Batumi Botanical Garden scientific workers.
  • Non-governmental organizations: World Wide Fund for nature ( WWF);
    • Caucasus Office; Green Alternative; Young Foresters’ Association; Scientific Center for Conservation – Nekresi; IUCN – Georgian Office;
    • International organizations; German Society of International Cooperation; Global forest Watch;
    • Participants from Government agencies.

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The Seminar was opened by Academician Givi Japaridze, Vice President of GAAS. In his welcoming address he underscored the significance of such scientific-practical seminars, and the decisions which the participants will reach during the meeting.


The seminar participants discussed material and technical potential, directions of researches and successful cases which have been carried out by the scientific- research institutes. The discussion also dealt with the weaknesses and some similarities and differences were identified with international classications drawn out by IUFRO. Some weaknesswere discovered in regards to forest studies and human research direction.


At the end of the Seminar, an electronic questionnaire was filled out by the participants and stipulated their opinions and approaches.

Based on the analysis of the questionnaire and discussions held during the Seminar, some priorities for the foreseeable 10-year period were identified, which was one of the main goals of the Seminar.


It was decided that a complete information forest studies data base would be necessary to set up to enhance communication among the researchers and government representatives.130785059 237644844599502 2941657674328604546 n


At the end of the Seminar, Academician Givi Japaridze mentioned in his speech that the meeting has proved to be very timely and necessary becase it coinsides with the essential changes going on in this sector, which requires system approaches to the problems and better coordination of the process.  

The Members of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences in the Information system, and Media


Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences continuous tradition and publishes some important articles which deals with the problems mostly produced because of COVID-19 pandemic in the world and in our country. The publications also refers to the post-pandemic perspectives.

Today we offer an interview with Academician Nodar Chitanava, published by analytical agency “Iverioni” on website, on April 26, 2020.

Nodar Chitanava, an Academician of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, is actively involved in scientific life of our country publishing his books, scholarly articles, interviews and monographs.

In the present interview, Academician Nodar Chitanava deals with very actual topic – Anti reccesionary plan worked out by the government which addresses social problems and business support. The activities according the plan will take place during as well as after pandemic.

The author suggests that Georgia has three most important resources: natural, geo- economic and intellectualresources. All three major resources should be used in complex unanimity. Moreover, an analytical center should be set up in office of Prime Minister to carry out comprehensive analysis, prognosis and recommendations. The center should have a close communication with Geogian scientists and scientific centers, professors and academicians who have already prepared interesting suggestions in regards to the abovementioned problems.

(Read a full text of interview with Academician Nodar Chitanava, published by analytical agency “Iverioni” on website, on April 26, 2020)

Information about the meetings of Scientific Council held at Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

On April 27, 2020, 13.00, the meetings of Scientific Council was held at Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences on line. The following persons participated in the meeting: Academicians N. karkashadze, G. Tkemaladze, Z. Chakseliani, G. Gagoshidze, J. Katsitadze; Doctors of Agricultural Sciences R. Kikvidze, M. Kereselidze, M. Matskepladze, O. Vashakidze, N. Mamukelashvili, J, Sadaghashvili, I. Sarjveladze, V. Kvatchrelishvili, J. Kitiashvili, and Lomidze.


  1. 1.Perspectives of development of Rabbit breedering in Georgia.

Presenters: Academician Jemal Gugushvili, Head of Scientific Department of Veterinary, GAAS. ( Short content of the presentation see on the link)

  1. 2.Current problems

The presenter, Jemal Gugushvili accentuated significance of development of Rabbit breedering in Georgia after corona pandemic period andthe role of the Academy in this process.

After discussion of the abovementioned problem, the members of Scientific Countcil emphasized the problems which are necessary to address and solve in post-pandemic period.

  1. 1.Elaborating Strategic plan for development of the branch post-pandemic period;
  2. 2.Working out legislation about the rabbit breeding; for this purpose it is necessary to ask for support to the government;
  3. 3.Rabbit is a grass-eating animal, therefore it is important to take particular measures to develop grasslands;
  4. 4.Creation of cooperatives should be supported to develop the rabbit breeding branch;
  5. 5.In developing the rabbit breeding branch, one of the important role should play scientific approaches and recommendations worked out by Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
  6. 6.Cattle breeding and veterinary branches need specialists, and it is important to take some urgent measures in this direction.



Academician Valerian Tsanava - 85



On February 25, 2020, Real Member of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Academician Valerian Tsanava attained 85-year jubilee, and accomplished his 60 - year scientific -pedagogical work.

Dear Dr. Valerian Tsanava,

Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences congratulates You with the jubilee; Wishes you long, healthy life and fruitful scientific and pedagogical work.

We once again wish many happy returns to you on your birthday, and hope your successful activities will continue many years for the benefit of our country.

General Meeting of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

   On February 21, 2020, a General Meeting of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences was held. The meeting attended the members of the Academy and invited guests, among them were: Professor Pavliashvili, Deputy Minister of Environment and Agriculture and Advisor of the Minister, O. Kacharava; also the representative of Georgian Patriarchy –   B. Gulia; Branch Coordinators of the Academy, the representatives of educational institutions, and the employees of the Academy.

21 2 1

The meeting was opened with a welcoming speech of Academician Guram Aleksidze who announced that On February 25, 2020, Real Member of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Academician Valerian Tsanava attained 85-year and accomplished his 60 - year scientific -pedagogical work. The President of GAAS delivered a Diploma with wholehearted congratulations from the members of the Academy and wished him a many year fruitful scientific and social work.

 21 2 2Academician Guram Aleksidze delivered a long presentation dedicated to scientific work and other public activities carried out by the Academy during a year under review – 2019, which included scientific conferences, workshops and seminars organized by the members of the Academy, publishing of scientific journals and books, agreements and memorandums signed with different scientific and educational institutions, and with academies of different countries. Also, the presenter underscored participation of the Academy in the Government activities in regards with food provision and safety.

(See full text in attachment - Part 1 and 2).

The following real members of the Academy, Academicians presented to the Meeting participants a short analysis of the work completed during 2019, and also the perspectives for the year 2020.21 2 3

 Gogola Margvelashvili, Academician –Secretary of Scientific Department of Agronomy; Academician Jemal Gugushvili, Academician –Secretary of Scientific Department of Cattle breeding and Agronomy; Academician Revaz Makharoblidze, Academician –Secretary of Scientific Department of Agro-engineering; Academician Zurab Tskitishvili, Academician –Secretary of Scientific Department of Food Safety and Food Technologies; Giorgi Gagoshidze, Deputy of Academician Secretary of Scientific Department of Economy; Academician Secretary Omar Keshelashvili, Secretary of Scientific Department of Economy;

# 51 Ivane Javakhishvili st, 0102, Tbilisi, Georgia. Tel. (+995 32) 291 01 14; 296 03 00;  294 13 20;

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