Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

The guests of the Academy from the Ministry of Science, Culture and Sport

      On February 21, 2020, the Academy hosted guests from the Ministry of Science, Culture and Sport, Mrs. Nunu Mitskevich, Deputy Minister, Mrs. Nino Tsereteli,   Head of the Department of Higher Education and Science, Mr. Zaza Maruashvili, Head of Science Department, and Mr. Zurab Khutsishvili, member of the same department.

      The guests were welcomed by the President of the Academy, Academician Guram Aleksidze, Academician Secretary Elguja Shapakidze, and Deputy of the President Dr. Anatoli Giorgadze.

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The President of GAAS, G. Aleksidze told the guests about administrative structure of the Academy, current activities of the Scientific Departments of the Academy and the future perspectives. The participation of the Academy in international scientific researches, and the Institute of National Coordinators of the Academy which carries out a significant work in the field of Agriculture - deserve a particular attention. Special emphasis was made on international contacts set up by the Academy with different important organizations, such as: the Union of European Academies for Science applied to Agriculture, Food and Nature (UEAA, Italy); CGIAR, headquarters in Washington, D.C.; GFAR, Global Forum of Agrarian Researches, Rome, Italy. GFRAS, Agrarian Global Consulting Center, Bazel, Switzerland; ICARDA; Jordan; CIMMYT, México; ICRISAT, India; Biodiversity International Rome, Italy; ACIRO, Taiwan;   CACAARI – Uzbekistan; IFPRI , Washington, US; CIP, Lima, Peru.

21 1 2BACSA –Bulgaria, Academies of China (GAAS) and Korea Republics; Academy of Ukraine Agrarian Sciences; The National Academy of Belarus; Vavilov Scientific- Research Plant Institute, Russia, The University of Bone, Germany.

The Guests were also informed that the Academy has signed memorandum of cooperation with more than forty scientific centers and organizations existed in Georgia and abroad.

The Guests of the Academy were acquainted with the scientific production of the members of the Academy. Only in 2019, the Academy published 10 monograph works, 5 text books, 2 dictionaries; 20 recommendation brochures; 5 Collection of Articles - Conference proceedings;

    213 -Scientific articles, out of which 5 monographs and about 40 articles were published abroad. Also, the academy owns more than 100 patents on scientific inventions.  

          The guests were also acquainted with the administrative unit of the Academy – Training Courses for farmers which are functioning based on the Academy. The Scientific- research Center for Biodiversity and plant genetic resources, Consulting Center for Ajara, publishing House “Agro”, scientific library, Exhibition Hall of Agricultural Products of Georgia are also important units functioning at the Academy.

The Guests were shown different presentation and conference halls, and the space where the young scholars who hold the scholarship of the Academy carry out the research work. They hosts shared their future plans and perspectives for the following research work.

         In September 24-27, 2020, the Academy will be hosting general Assembly Session of the Union of European Academies 21 1 3for Science applied to Agriculture, Food and Nature (UEAA). During the same period the Academy will also hold an international conference “Agricultural Mechanization in Europe and Perspectives”.  The conference will be held with close cooperation of UEAA.

       The President of the Academy, G. Aleksidze expressed hope that the Ministry, as well as Shota Rustaveli Science Foundation will support in many ways, including financial support, the Academy to carry out such important mission in the coming year.



A Current Account of Ministry of Ajara Agriculture at Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

On February 7, 2020, at Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences a Meeting of the Presidium of the Academy was held dedicated to hearing of work carried out by Ajara Ministry of Agriculture. The Meeting attended the members of the Presidium of the Academy and national coordinators of different fields of agriculture of Georgia.

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From Ajara Autonomous Republic, the Meeting of Presidium attended the Minister of Agriculture Tite Aroshidze, Irma Apkhazava, the Head of Ministry Department, and the head of press center Roin Gogadze.

The Meeting was opened by welcoming speech of Academician Guram Aleksidze, the GAAS President who emphasized that a Memorandum of Cooperation with Ajara Ministry of Agriculture was signed in 2013, and since then, the head of the Ministry of Agriculture regularly presents an account of the work conducted in the field of agriculture in the Autonomous Republic.

Mr. Tite Aroshidze, gave an extended account regarding the agricultural work carried out in recent years, also mentioned some problems which have been addressed by the Ministry last year. Achara 2020 2

He spoke about the project carried out in plant studies, cattle-breeding, agro-engineering, citrus-growing, and tea-growing. One of the important issues he focused on was organization and financial support of BACSA International Conference on Sericulture which was carried out together with Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The minister also spoke about the future perspectives, planned collaboration with international organizations, close cooperation with and the forms to assist the local farmers and Ajara population.

Mr. Tite Aroshidze put the accent on fruitful cooperation that exists within a frame of Memorandum between the Academy and Ajara Ministry of Agriculture, and expressed his sincere wish to enhance partnership with Agriculture Scientific-Consulting Center of Ajara.

After the Minister’s interesting presentation, the presidium members and National Coordinators asked questions, and a round table discussion was held with active participation of academicians: I. Vasadze, J. Gugushvili, G, Gagoshidze, T. Kurashvili, Z. Tkitishvili, E. Shapakidze, N. Chitanava, A. Meskhishvili and N. Kiknavelidze.  


Meeting of the Commission on Agrarian Innovations

On January 29, 2020, a Meeting of the Commission on Agrarian Innovations (The head of the Commission Academician A. Didebulidze) was organized.

Tsotne Samadashvili, Professor of Agrarian University, the Head of Grain Culture Department of Scientific Research Center, made a presentation on the topic: “The significance of Georgian wheat in the world and the production strategy”. Co-presenter was Paata Koghuashvili. Wheat is one of the most ancient cultures in Georgia, and out of 27 varieties of wheat registered in the world, the origin of 14 - is Georgia, out of which 5 are endemic varieties. They are considered to be the best genetic source in the world selection process of wheat.

The demand on Georgian wheat has been increased significantly for the last years. In three scientific-research centers, the process of preservation, renovation, maintenance and propagation is successfully carried out.

On the testing plot of the wheat, endemic varieties are grown to meet the demands of Georgian farmers.

The recent Government decision on this issue recommend an increase of wheat production in Georgia, but it has to be clearly defined that the wheat crop enhancement and compatibility should be achieved only through application of high quality sowing seeds and enhanced agro-technical measures.

To accomplish this goal, it is necessary to develop seed processing and producing infrastructure, and finally substitute imported wheat. Between the wheat growers and producers should be set up a long term, stable cooperation.

   The abovementioned presentation raised a live interest among the meeting participants who were involved in discussion round the problem and adopted some recommendations.    


Meeting of the Presidium of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

120 years Jubilee of Academician Nikoloz Khomizurashvili

Xomiz 1On January 29, 2020, a Meeting of the Presidium of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences was held dedicated to a distinguished Georgian scholar, Academician Nikoloz Khomizurashvili.

N. Khomizurashvili was one of the founders of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, its vice-president, academician, member correspondent of the Academy, Doctor of Agriculture, Professor, and an honored scientist.

The Meeting was opened by the President of the Academy Guram Aleksidze who talked about his scientific achievements and remembered a few distinguished moments from his long and fruitful cooperation with the scholar.

Academician Vazha Kvaliashvili spoke about the yearly years of Khomizurashvili’s life, who was born in 1900, January 24, in Telavi, Kakheti, and then the presenter talked in details about his long and fruitful scientific and social activities.

N. Khomizurashvili finished Telavi Gymnasium in 1925, and after graduating from Tbilisi University Department of Agronomy, was offered to continue working at the same Department. Soon he was sent to Germany to get a deeper knowledge in different scientific institutes of Europe. Sponsored by German scolars, he travelled in France, Belgium, Italy, and Holland to study the problems of genetics and selection.

During his long and fruitful life, he worked on different positions, as a director of Scientific – Research Institute of Viticulture, Horticulture and Winemaking of Georgia, during which he initiated opening of the Museum of Wine.

Academician Khomizurashvili is the author of hundreds of scientific researches, among which are: Atlas of Fruits, text-books on horticulture in 2 volumes. He was one of the founders of industrial horticulture in Georgia, described and studies many species of fruit, made a classification of fruit varieties.

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N. Khomizurashvili was also outstanding public figure. In 1961, Nikita Khrushchov, then First Secretary General of CPSS ordered to cut down vineyards in Kakheti region and sow corn instead. Khomizurashvili managed to persuade Georgian government that it would be an unpardonable mistake and thus saved his country from the catastrophe which would be a blow to Georgian viticulture and winemaking.  

N. Khomizurashvili was awarded with many state medals, and his achievements were many times distinguished by Georgian Government and his personality was highly appreciated by the nation. In 1966, he was awarded with the Honorable Title of a Hero of Labor.

N. Khomizurashvili passed in 1971, and is buried in Didube Pantheon, Tbilisi.

Academicians Nodar Chkhartishvili, Iuza Aasadze, the grandson of Khomizurashvili, and Zurab Chpashvili retold to the audience about their memories connected with distinguished scientists and statesman whose scientific achievements are known far beyond Georgia. Academician N. Khomizurashvili has earned the name of distinguished scholar and his patriotism is worthy of respect.


EURAXESS – Wide Possibilities for Georgia

Meeting at Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation

Rust Fondi 2020

On January 10, 2020, a meeting was held at Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation, within the frames of the project - EURAXESS Georgia. The Foundation initiates development of the services and trainings with participation of partner universities and scientific –research centers. The Academy was represented with two members – Deputy President Dr. Anatoli Giorgadze and Learned Secretary Dr. Revaz Lolishvili. General Director of the Foundation talked about wide perspectives of EURAXESS - Georgia and its further development. The Website will be on Georgian and English languages, besides instructions will be also in Abkhaz language.

Training of Trainers will be organized who will later conduct trainings about the application of the Platform and the perspectives of the Foundation in international projects. The goal of the planned measures is to raise the index of achievement of Georgian scholars.

Deputy Director, Nino Gachechiladze talked about the aims of EURAXESS - Georgia, its possibilities, communication strategy and expected results.

Series of activities conducted within the project EURAXESS - Georgia, also the content and timetable of planned trainings on the topic of the application of the platform was also discussed.

The representatives of Rustaveli Foundation Scientific Department Lana Davituliani and Salome Sharashenidze participated in the discussion held round the problem.

It was decided that one of the employees of the academy will participate in training sessions; and then the Academy of Agricultural Sciences will be registered as a scientific organization into the network EURAXESS – European Union organization of Researches and Innovations. Moreover, individual members of the Academy will be able to register in the network which will significantly increase opportunity of the GAAS members to be involved in international projects.


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