On March 17, 2017, Scientific Council of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences was held. Besides the members of the Academy, the Meeting of the Council was attended by invited guests and the students of Agrarian and Technical Universities.
The Meeting Agenda:
- Prevention and Control Program of brucellosis disease in Georgia. The presenter: Doctor of Veterinary lasha Avaliani.
- How to return Georgian bee its good name. Presenter – Liza Baliashvili
In the beginning of the meeting, the president of GAAS told the participants about the history of the Academy, its structure, main directions in scientific work, the activities carried out by the Courses of Raising Qualification of Farmers and Specialists working in Agriculture which is functioning at GAAS; The president also shared the future plans of the Academy and mentioned that it is very important for the students to attend the Scientific Meeting of the Academy which will lay a foundation for development of council of young researchers in agriculture.
The proposal of the President was unanimously supported by the meeting participants and academicians of the Academy Gugushvili, Chakseliani, Tkemaladze, Kvaliashvili, as well as by Dean of Bio-Systems Engineering Department of Agrarian University Prof. Kvartskhava, and students of Agrarian University.
Photos: President Acad. G. Aleksidze meets the students in exhibition hall