On March 22, 2017, at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GAAS), a Seminar dedicated to International Day of Forest was held.
The Agenda:
- Optimization of Forest Industry and its international
The presenters: The Vice- President of GAAS Givi Japaridze, Academician-Secretary R. Chagelishvili, the Head of Forest Scientific- Research Department; Learned Secretary of the same Department, and Professor of Agrarian University G. Gagoshidze.2.The sanitary condition of Tbilisi green plants and the measurement of its improvement.
Presenter: Assoc. Prof. Dr. N. Lomidze, Georgian Agrarian University.
- The Seminar was attended by invited specialists, namely, by Dr. Agrarian Sciences, L. Dolodze, the head of Mariamjvari State reserved territories T. Tiginashvili, Forest specialist, expert in forest studies M. Dvali, Professor of Agrarian University, Doctor of Biology, Supatashvili. The representatives the forest studies field – professors of Agrarian University G. Vachnadze, B. Tavadze, G. Tsereteli, M. Ebralidze and B. Digmelashvili, and a ranger of Mariamjvari attended the seminar.
The Seminar participants were congratulated with the Day of Forest preservation by the Vice Rector, who spoke about its importance. He spoke about the present condition of the Georgian forests and assessed the effectiveness of on-going measures taken in regards with improvement of Georgian forests. Particular role in this direction plays Georgian Academy of Agricultural Academy and its Forest studies Departments which hold close cooperation with government institutions and defines the ways to optimize and improve the forest management problems.
Academician Givi Japaridze believes one of the major problems should be a control of forest protection activities through legislative acts, therefore, the project: “Forest Regulations” should be supported to speed up the process of preparation of its draft and its passing to the Parliament of Georgia for consideration.
The participants of the seminar took active part in the discussion of the problems and expressed their considerations regarding the issues raised during the seminar.
The Seminar was summarized by Acad. Givi Japaridze.