On May 23, 2017, a scientific expedition was organized by GAAS to the following agricultural production farms, Ltd.
Margebeli, Ltd. Lasharela, Ltd. Lomtagora, and kumisi Paultry Production Enterprise . The members of the members of Scientific Board of cattle breeding, veterinary, and food production at the Academy took part in the expedition, alongside with national coordinators of this branch.
Ltd. Margebeli which is cattle breeding complex was discussed in the speech of G. Gogolashvili and G. Beghelauri. The zoo technicians were given recommendations how to improve productivity and achieve higher standards.In Ltd. Lomtagora the meeting attended local farmers and specialists. Prof. Beghelauri, Acad. Gugushvili and R. Kikvadze shared with their important experience in this sphere.
Proffessors A. Bokuchava and Tatarashvili made presentations in kumisi Paultry Production Enterprise about existed problems in poultry raising in Georgia and talked about the ways of solution.
The results of the expedition was summarized by academician E. Gugushvili who talked about the significance of the measures carried out in this direction and expressed his wish to continue such meetings because they are important for all who benefit from exchange of knowledge and experience, also this kinds of meetings will support the further expansion of integration between science and production field.