Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

A memorandum on partnership between the Georgian Academy of Agriculture and Batumi State University

       On the 13th May, 2016, in Batumi, A memorandum on partnership between the Georgian Academy of Agriculture and Batumi State University was signed. The Memorandum was signed from the side of the Academy, GAAS President Guram aleksidze, and from the side of Shota Rustaveli Batumi University the Deputy of the Rector – Dr. Merab Khalvashi. The ceremony was attended by the deputy head Ms. Natela Tsiklashvili and the members of the Academic Board. Also, . papunadze and R. jabnidze, professors from Tbilisi, T. Kacharava, journalist of the newspaper “Ajara”, R. Mskhiladze and others.
     The memorandum will stipulate cooperation between the two institutions in the field of science and education, mutual assistance of the professors and specialists in the field of agriculture, as well as in raising qualification of specialists. In the result of the cooperation the young specialists and professionals will get timely information about the recent achievements in theory, innovations and technology, as well as participate in international and local forums, and be involved in agrarian projects together with their colleagues.
It was proposed that Batumi University GAAS on Sep 28-30, 2016

Batumi Memorand 13 V 2016 Photo: The memorandum is signed by GAAS President Acad. G. Aleksidze and the Vice rector of Batumy Univsity Prof. Merab Khalvashi

Batumi 2016 13 V 1Photo: President G. Aleksidze meets Batumi University Academic Board members

Batumi 2016 13 V 2Photo: After signing the memorandum

International Round Table at Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

On May 13, 2016, A Round Table discussion was organized by GAAS Scintific- research Center of Bio- rational technologies and Vinnitsa National Agrarian University on the topic: GAAS Scientific- research Center of Bio- rational technologies and Vinnitsa National Agrarian University: the perspectives of Cooperation with foreign Centers.
International Scientific Conference at National Agrarian University, Vinnitsa


Vinica 2016 2 From the left – Head of the Department V. Kucheriavi, and the President of Vinnitsa Academy of Agricultural Sciences, academician G. Kaletnik, Dr. Giorgadze, the Rector of the University V. Mazur.On April 26-28, Vinnitsa National Agrarian University hosted International Conference the subject of which was: The quality and safety of the cattle breeding product, its production and current problems.” GAAS has signed a memorandum of cooperation with Vinnitsa University and the two universities often participate in international forums. This time, A. Giorgadze, The Deputy President, delivered a speech at the meeting.
Many countries participated in the work of the Conference including the government representatives. Totally, 82 presentations were delivered and discussions were held.
Dr. Anatoly Giorgadze had a meeting with the President of Vinnitsa Academy of Agricultural Sciences academician G. Kaletnik, the Rector of the University V. Mazur, Vice Rector A. Iaremchuk. During the meeting the further cooperation perspectives between the parties was discussed. On the 13th of May Ukrainian colleagues will pay visit to Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences and discuss the results of mutually fulfilled projects.

Vinica 2016 1 Photo: Dr. Giorgadze at International Conference in Vinnitsa

The meeting of Academic Board

On April 27, 2016 Academic Board Meeting was held which discussed the following problems:

1. Information about Global Forum, III Meeting (South Africa, Johannesburg), and International conference on legume plants (Morocco) The presenter - the president of the Academy G. Aleksidze.
2. Discussion of scientific and pedagogical work plans of the Faculty of Agrarian Sciences and Bio-engineering, Georgian Technical University for 2015 and 2016 of Presenter – Prof. Giga Kvartskhava, the Dean of the Faculty of Agrarian Sciences and Bio-engineering, Georgian Technical University.
3. Discussion of scientific and pedagogical work plans for 2015 and 2016 of Food Research Institute of Georgian Technical University. The Presenter – Prof. Nugzar Baghaturia, the director of Food Research Institute, Georgian Technical University.
4. Fulfillment of Memorandums signed by the GAAS with partner organizations. Presenter - Givi Japaridze, the Vice president, and E. Shapakidze, Head of academic Department.
5. Organizational problems of the exhibition organized at GAAS. Presenter – G. Japaridze, E. Shapakidze and A. Giorgadze, Deputy President.
6. Other current problems.
7. Acad. O. Keshelashvili discussed the problems of improvement of academic publications initiated bu GAAS.

Participation in International Conference in Morocco

On April 18-20, in the city of Marakesh, Morocco, an International Conference was held dedicated to the problems of pulse cultures.
Maroko 2016 1 Photo: President Guram Aleksidze among the Conference participants. ( Morocco)
The Conference was organized by International Center for Development of agriculture in Dry Regions, also the Ministry of Agriculture and Fishing Industry of Morocco.

300 specialists from different courtiers took part in the work of the conference. Georgian agrarian science was presented by GAAS President G. Aleksidze who delivered an article and presented the poster depicting genetic resources of the legumes existed in Georgia, also the poster demonstrated deceases and pests characteristic for the mentioned plants and the measures to fight against them. Alksidze had meetings with world prominent scientists working on the above-mentioned topic. Some of them expressed their wish to participate in the conference organized by the GAAS, on September 28 – 30, 2016. The Declaration adopted by the conference illustrates the present stage of study of the legumes, as well as the perspectives of their utilization.

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