Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Participation of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences in discussion of the action plan and strategy for development of Georgian Agriculture in 2021-2027

On November 29, 2019, in the Conference Hall of the Hotel “Holiday Inn” a discussion on the topic: Action plan and strategy for development of Georgian Agriculture in 2021-2027 was held which was organized with active support of Georgian Ministry of Environment and Agriculture, international organizations UNDP, and FAO.

A summing up discussion was held on which Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences was represented by its two members: Academicians Nodar Chitanava and Zurab Tskitishvili who presented to the auditorium their attitude regarding the strategy of the Plan previously discussed at GAAS.

The Meeting participants were greeted by Giorgi Khanishvili, First Deputy of the Ministry of Environment and Agriculture.

Chitanava Xzanishvili

On the picture from the left: Nodar CHitanava, Giorgi Khanishvili, and Ekaterine Zviadadze.

 Ekaterine Zviadadze, Head of the Department of Policy and Analysis, Ministry of Environment and Agriculture presented to the auditorium The Action plan and strategy for development of Georgian Agriculture in 2021-2027. The presentation was followed by discussion in which Academicians Nodar Chitanava and Zurab Tskitishvili actively participated and observed the opinion and comments worked out at the presidium of the Academy. In particular, the problem of soil resources and the measurements for protection were accentuated. To address the problem effectively, it is necessary to make a proper assessment of agricultural soils, study its structure and types, and work out soil security strategy. Chitanava Xzanishvili 2


It is important that all governmental and non-governmental organizations took part in discussion of the strategic plans regarding development strategy of agriculture of Georgia in the next decade. The final version of the project should be presented to the Government.

National Branch Coordinators of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences ( 2019)

On November 29, 2019, a new team of National Branch Coordinators of Georgian Academy was officially confirmed at the Meeting of the Presidium of GAAS. ( Minutes #14,29,11,2019).

1.      1. Scientific Department of Agronomy

1.1.Viticulture and Winemaking

Academician Nodar Chkhartishvili

Doctor Levan Ujmajurudze

Academician Guram Papunidze


Academician Iuza Vasadze

Academician Vajha Kvaliashvili

1.3.Tea and Citruses

Academician Valerian Tsanava

Academician Ronald Kopaliani

1.4.Field Cultures:

Professor Tsotne Samadashvili


Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Valeri Sukhishvili

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Nato Kakabadze

1.6.Plant protection:

Academician Guram Aleksidze

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Sandro Kanchaveli

1.7. Soil Management:

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences NIkoloz Kiknavelidze

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Giorgi Bolghashvili

1.8. Ecology of Agriculture:

Academician Zaur Chakseliani

            Doctor of Science Maia Meladze

1.9.Agro-chemistry and Soil studies:

Academician Gogola Margvelashvili

Academician Rezo Jabnidze

1.10.                 Land  use:

Doctor of Economy Anzor Meskhishvili

2.    2.  Forest Studies Scientific Department

Direction- Forestry:

Academician Revaz Chagelishvili

Academician Givi Japaridze

Academician Giorgi Gagoshidze

3.      3. Cattle-breeding and Veterinary Scientific Department:


Academician Jemal Gugushvili

3.2.   Food Production:

          Professor Ioseb Sarjveladze

3.3. Veterinary:

Academician Tengiz Kurashvili

3.4. Sericulture:

    Corresponding member Giorgi Nikolaishvili

    Academician Elguja Shapakidze

3.5. Bee-breading:

      Doctor of Agriculture Gogia Madzgharashvili

      Doctor of Agriculture Maia Peikrishvili

 4.      4. Agro-engineering Department:

4.1.Mechanization of Agriculture:

Academician Revaz Makharoblidze

4.2. Electrification and Automatization of  Agriculture:

Academician Archil Vashakidze

4.3. Hydro-Melioration of Agriculture:

Professor Eduard Kukhalashvili

5.      Food Safety and Food Technology Department:

5.1. Food Technologies:

Academician Nugzar Baghaturia

Academician Temur Revishvili

World Science Day for Peace and Development

On November 8, 2019, at Georgian National Academy a ceremonial meeting was held dedicated to the World Science Day for Peace and Development. A delegation from Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences headed by Academician G. Aleksidze, President of the Academy took active participation in the event.

In 2001, UNESCO declared November the 10th a Day for peace and development of science. It also highlights the need to engage wider public in debates on emerging scientific issues. The first Conference was held in Budapest, Hungary by International Union of Scientists. The annual celebrations hold in many countries aim to highlight the role and necessity of science for the society and in their everyday life.

Scientific Academies of Georgia join the celebration and hold meetings dedicated to World Science Day for Peace and Development.

The Meeting was opened by the President of the National Academy Giorgi Kvesitadze and congratulated the audience with the birthday of outstanding Georgian public figure, writer and poet, Ilia Chavchavadze. The next presenter was Academician Guram Aleksidze who underlined the importance and relevance of science in our daily life.

The researchers got blessing from high rank representative of Georgian Orthodox Church iorgi Zviadadze and greeted the audience from the name of Georgian Patriarch.

Archil Talakvadze, the Head of Georgian Parliament greeted the audience and underlined that:

“A nation will not able to create its future without science. It unites the past with the future, it can provide cooperation between the generations and connect a nation with international society. Georgian National Academy, a successor of Georgian medieval century academies of Gelati and Ikalto, preserves and transfers to future generations the knowledge, creation of which needs hundreds of years. This accumulated knowledge should be actively applied for the progress of the nation”.

Academician Nodar Chitanava dedicated his presentation to the problem of rational management of soil resources in Georgia.

The culmination of the Meeting was delivery of Diplomas to the holders of Academic Prizes. In the field of Agro chemistry the prize was given to Academician Gogola Margvelashvili, head of the Department of Agronomy, GAAS.

The President of Georgian Academy of Agriculture, Guram Aleksidze delivered a Certificate of Honor to the members of GAAS, Academician Nodar Chitanava and Member Correspondent Giorgi Nikolaishvili.

Meeting of the Commission on Agrarian innovations at Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

On October 23, 2019, at Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences a Meeting of the Commission on Agrarian Innovations was held. Levan Tortladze, Doctor of Agrarian Sciences, Professor of Agrarian University, made his presentation on the following topic: “Preservation and development of double productivity livestock in Eastern Europe.” He spoke about one of the achievements of the 29th century in this field - breeding a new variety of cattle – “Caucasus Tsabla”, which is a good example of united effort of the scientists of Caucasus region working in this field.  

 According the data of 1990s, the number of of cattle – “Caucasus Tsabla”, reached 171 thousand; but in this century this breed is on the verge of extinction.

The problem has been raised by the presenter first time in 2002, at International Scientific Conference held in Erevan.

“We believe that it is possible to save this unique breed -Tsabla” , in case the effort of different scientists working in Caucasus will be united, declared the Conference participants. This process has already started with the project TCP/RER/3604, financed by FAO.

A Scientific – Research Center created in 2014 within the system of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia, is actively involved in the study of the problem.

The information presented at the Meeting encouraged live discussions round the problem among the researchers and practitioners; also, the importance of ongoing activities, as well as the future plans directed towards positively solution of the problem was emphasized.  

Meeting with the Ambassador of Republic of Korea Kim Se Woong

On October 11, 2019, a meeting with the Ambassador of republic of Korea Kim Se Woong was held. The Ambassador hosted the President of the Academy Guram Aleksidze and the Vice President, Dr. Anatoli Giorgadze.

The Ambassador got thorough information regarding the existed cooperation between the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences and National Center of Genetics and other scientific centers of Korea which has been developing successfully for a few years in the field of agrarian sciences.

 Korea 11 Oct

    During the meeting, Academician Guram Aleksidze emphasized the important issues the successful fulfillment of which will support development of long term partnership between the countries in the field of agrarian sciences. Among other problems, Guram Aleksidze discussed the perspectives of advancement of agricultural technologies in Georgia worked out by Korea.

The President of GAAS invited the Ambassador to visit the Academy, so that he could get more detailed information about the activities which will be mutually beneficial for the both parties.

Information regarding official visit to Agency of Agricultural Development, Jeonju, Korea, and the memorandum signed.

(For full information see the link)

On October 14-19, following the invitation from The Agency of Agricultural Development of the republic of Korea, Academician Guram Aleksidze, the President of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and Deputy President, Dr. Anatoli Giorgadze visited Republic of Korea. The aim of the visit was: 1. to sum up a 5-year work of the Academy and Korea Center for Agro-bio-diversity – collection, maintenance and application of plant genetic resources; 2. To get information about on-going researches at scientific institutions regarding the problem.

The guests visited the Center of Genetic Resources of Korea in which about 500 thousand samples collected in different countries are kept, among them are: cereal and legume – 174.94; food cultures – 168 638, horticultural and vegetable crops – 29 116, technical cultures – 22 670, forage and other -3 651, clone herma-plasma– 28 027, micro organisms – 23 387, livestock, insects and silkworm plasma – 36 810, and other.

It should be mentioned that, among this collection are three thousand samples – seeds of vegetables and crop cultures which have been collected in Georgia with the help of Georgian partners. The Agreement between the parties also envisaged import of vegetable cultures in Georgia and selection, which was successfully carried out in 2015 and 2016. Multiplying of the samples took place in Vashlijvari tasting plot by Dr. N. Kakabadze.

A Memorandum about joint activities for the next 5-year was set up which was signed by the Director of the Center of Agro bio-diversity of Korea and Guram Aleksidze, the President of GAAS on October 16, 2019. In the same organization, on October 18, Academician G. Aleksidze delivered a presentation at the Scientific Seminar on the following topic: “Plant Genetic Resources in Georgia”. The presentation which demonstrated rich bio-diversity of Georgia and the necessity of collecting and study of the samples by the world researchers raised live interest among the staff members of the Center.


Within the framework of the official visit, Academician Aleksidze and Dr. A. Giorgadze went to see two scientific-research institutes of Viticulture and of Winemaking. The Academy has had a three-year exchange program experience with the mentioned institutes. Korean specialists took from Georgia to their country about 150 Georgian vine species to be implemented in Korea. At present, most of those introduced species are in the greenhouse conditions and will give yield in the nearest future. At the same time, 12 Asian vine species were introduced to Georgia which are currently being tested out on the testing plots of the Ministry of Agriculture.

G. Aleksidze and A. Giorgadze also visited Scientific Research Institutes of Horticulture and Bio-technologies and discovered some interesting aspects of the work carried out at the Institutes.

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