Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

The Results of the Contest Declared by Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

On June 3, 2019, a regular meeting was held with the following agenda:

1.Information about the contest declared by GAAS to fill the vacancy of real member of the Academy, and scholarships for young researchers.

Presenter: Academician Guram Aleksidze, the President of GAAS.

2.Final report of the Contest Organizing Commission, set up by the GAAS President;

Presenter: Expert Group leader, Academician Nodar Chitanava.

3.Elections and–casting votes to the candidates -young researchers to get scientific scholarship. (Secret balloting).

 Archevnebi 2019 AArchevnebi 2019 B

         Following the Chart of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, ( Chapter X, Par. 45,46,48,51 and 53), and the Regulation regarding the procedure of election of the Candidates for Scientific Scholarship ( passed on January 25, 2019), the elections held on June 3, 2019, revealed the winners.

Archevnebi 2019 Gagoshidze     

       Forest Studies Scientific Department – Specialty -0105 “Forestry”. Specialization 010501 “ Forest Industry” – Real member of the Academy, Academician.  

       Giorgi Gagoshidze – Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Full Professor of Georgian Technical University.


Scientific Scholarship Winners:  

1.Scientific Department of Agronomy (The Academy Scholarship winner)

Archevnebi 2019 Qvarcxava


        1.1.Kvartskhava Giga, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor of Georgian Technical University. Dean of Agrarian Sciences and Bio-Systems Engineering.



2.Scientific Department of Cattle breeding and Veterinary (The Academy Scholarship winner)

Archevnebi 2019 Giorgadze


     2.1. Giorgadze, Anatoli – Academic Doctor of Agriculture, Deputy of the President of GAAS. Scientific Department Coordinator, Head of Administrative Department.



3.   Scientific Department of Agro- Engineering (The Academy Scholarship winner)

Archevnebi 2019 Qutelia


       3.1.   Kutelia Giorgi Academic Doctor of Engineering.

Chief Specialist, Scientific -Research Center, Georgian Ministry of Environment and Agriculture.




4.  Forest Studies Scientific Department –Forest Industry” (The Academy Scholarship winner).


Archevnebi 2019 Qavtaradze


4.1.          Kavtaradze, Giorgi – Academic Doctor in Forest Studies, Associate Professor of Georgian Agrarian University; Deputy Director of V. Gulisashvili Forest Studies Institute.




5.  Scientific Department of Economy   (The Academy Scholarship winner).


 Archevnebi 2019 Jabnidze N  

         5.1.     Jabnidze, Nato - Academic Doctor in Economy, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University; Assistant       
Professor, Faculty of Economy and Business;



6.    Food Safety and Food Technology Scientific Department (The Academy Scholarship winner).

Archevnebi 2019 Kacitadze E


     6.1.    Food Technology Direction

Katsitadze Ekaterine – Academic Doctor in Technical Sciences. Chief Specialist, Scientific -Research Center, Georgian Ministry of Environment and Agriculture; Associate Professor, faculty of Food Product Technology; Assoc. Prof. Tbilisi Study University.


   Archevnebi 2019 Dugashvili       

          6.2.    Food Safety Direction.

           Dughashvili, Darejan, Academic Doctor of Chemistry, Consultant,

           Agricultural Scientific -Research Center, Georgian Ministry of Environment and Agriculture;



Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences congratulates recently elected researchers – the winners of the Academy Scholarship with the achievements in the contest held by the Academy for the Scientific Scholarship. We wish our scholarship winners success in development of Georgian agrarian sciences.


Georgian Scholars Discuss the Problems of Forest and its future perspectives


On May 16, 2019, a Round Table meeting was held at the Academy dedicated to existed situation challenges and future perspectives of development in forest management. The meeting was organized by Department of Forest Studies, GAAS.

Round Table meeting attended the members of the Academy, representatives of Forest Agency, experts, and the students from Georgian Technical University and Secondary State School #31, and its Director Marina Nijharadze.Mrgvali magida Tke 1

Round Table was opened with introductory speech of the president of GAAS, Academician Guram Aleksidze who focused on the importance of the activities carried out by the Academy in the direction of forest management; also, he stressed out the significance of proposals and other documents regarding forest studies sent to the legislative and executive bodies of the country.

The presentation on: “The existed problems in Forest Studies and the Ways of addressing them” was delivered by the Forest expert – Merab Dvali. In the discussion round the problem, the researchers and honorable experts and specialists – Dr. A. Supatashvili, Dr. G. Gagoshidze, A. Mgeladze, a representative of Green Movement, B. Gulua who talked on behalf of Georgian Patriarch, and N. Berejhiani from Forest Agency took active part. Also, Marina Nijharadze, Director of Secondary State School #31 welcomed the Round Table participants.Mrgvali magida Tke 2

           The problems and the strategy for its further improvement rose during Round Table meeting was summarized by Academician Givi Japaridze, Vice President of GAAS. He spoke about the importance of suggestions prepared and delivered to the Government by the Academy. Georgian Parliament took into consideration the abovementioned suggestions and offered to continue working on the new regulations. Therefore, Academician G. Japaridze addressed the participants to present their suggestions and opinions regarding Forest Studies and the approaches for the successful management. The discussion around the forest problems and the proposals for overcoming the existed problems presented by the researchers and experts will be held in the nearest foreseen period of time to be delivered to the legislative and executive bodies of Georgian Government for further consideration.  

At Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

        Tbilisi May 15, 2019.

          Following the Chart of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, (Chapter IX, Par. 38; Chapter X, Par. 38; Chapter X, Par 40 and 41), and the Regulations regarding the procedure of election of the Candidates for Scientific Scholarship of the Academy (passed on January 25, 2019), the elections were held on June 3, 2019, following the rule of secret balloting, and it revealed the following candidates of the election participants: See the details in attachment.


Commission Meeting on Agrarian Innovations

On April 24, 2019, Commission Meeting on Agrarian Innovations was held at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Short presentation was delivered by Chief Academician –Secretary Elguja Shapakidze. He stated that two distinguished researchers who are the authors of the most number of State Patents for their innovations in Agrarian Sciences - Dr. Vladimer Maruashvili and young scientists Dr. Edisher Midelashvili have been recognized with with Honorable Certificates of the Academy. The event was dedicated to the 26th of April – International Day of Intellectual Property.

The next presentation – delivered by the representatives of Sakpatent” Davit Gabunia and Merab Kutsia - focused on the main problems of development of system of protection of Geographical identifications. New species development in agriculture is the result of purposeful creative activity, therefore they are the objects of intellectual property which needs to be protected by due regulations. The researcher should get appropriate payment and profit through multiplying and selling the material which was obtained through selection process.  

The meeting participants also mentioned that in accordance with Georgian Law, a testing on distinguished properties of new species should be carried out by a person who has accreditation; then, testing results should be verified by by Expert Group which is operating at the Ministry of Environment and Agriculture. Unfortunately, till present, registration and accreditation of a new breed could be obtained only from other country, or in the result of testing results carried out by a selectioner – researcher.

           The Commision stated that a working group should be set up which will be staffed by the members of “Sakpatent” and the research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture. The group will work out the strategy and present the plan on how to regulate the abovementioned problem to the Presidium of the Academy.

International Day of the Veterinaries

On May 1, 2019, at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, a Scientific Conference was held which was dedicated to the International Day of Veterinaries. The Conference was organized on the initiative of Cattle breeding and Veterinary Department at the Academy.

Veterinaris dge 1Among invited guests were Lasha Avalishvili, General Director of the Project “Investment and quality in agriculture”, Mikheil Sokhadze, the UN Food and Agriculture organization project supervisor; Lali Vashakidze, the President of veterinaries’ Association; Dr. Zaira Kapiashvili, the first professor in the field of veterinary; Dr. Nikoloz Tsertsvadze, Jemal Nachkebia, Teo Urushadze, Dean of Agrarian University, the students of Agrarian University, and others.

           The Conference was opened by Academician – Secretary of GAAS Jemal Gugushvili who welcomed the meeting participants and talked about the role of Veterinaries in production of safe and high quality meat and milk product.

Academician Tengiz Kurashvili’s presentation was dedicated to veterinary services in Georgia and focused on the problems which exist in this field, and the ways to overcome them.Veterinaris dge 2

           The speeches were made by the following persons: Lasha Avaliani, Mikheil Sokhadze, Lali Vashakidze, Zaira Kapianidze, Nikoloz Tsertsvadze, Jemal Nachkebia, Levan Tortladze, Davit Goderdzishvili, Levan Makaradze, and Besarion Lasareishvili. They congratulated the doctors- veterinaries with the international day and mentioned that wise and kindly attitude towards domestic animals was discussed in a historical Georgian book on medicine which describes different methods treatment and therapy of domestic animals. They also mentioned that at present the level of teaching and training veterinary doctors do not satisfy international standards, also they expressed their belief that the situation in this respect will change soon and we shall have highly qualified specialists.

Veterinaris dge 3


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