Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

International Forest Day

On March 21, 2019, the Department of Forest Studies organized at GAAS a Round Table meeting dedicated to International Day of Forests.Tkis dge 2019 1

Among invited guests were BA, MA students of Forest Studies, Technical University. Key presenters were Academician Secretary Revaz Chagelishvili, and Professor Giorgi Gagoshiodze, a Learned Secretary of GAAS Forest Study Department.

Academician Secretary Revaz Chagelishvili talked about the foundation of International Forest day, 2017 which is celebrated all over the world. The initiator was European Confederation on the 23rd General Assembly and was supported by Food and Agricultural organization ( FAO).

Tkis dge 2019 2Academician R. Chagelishvili told the students about the function and role of forests in terms of ecology, sociology and economy. It plays a significant role in climate formation and generates water resources; it is a source of humans, animals and plants’ life. Georgian forests play imprtant role in sustainable development of our country in all respect.

Professor Giorgi Gagoshidze told the students about the founders of forest sciences in Georgia and discussed the priorities connected with forest protection and further development of forest management and scientific studies in Georgia.

Awards of 2018 in Agrarian Sciences

The Awards of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences for the best researches, conducted in 2018


       On Decision of the Presidium of GAAS (Minutes #2, February 22, 2019), granting of the Awards for fundamental, applied and educational researches in Agrarian sciences was approved.

     GAAS 2018 Awards for the best fundamental, applied and educational researches in Agrarian sciences was granted to the following scholars:

   1.   0101 – Agronomy – “Subtropical Cultures” – a text book; Author Revaz Jabnidze

   2.   0103 – Animal Husbandry – “Atlas of Georgian Pastures and Grazing meadows”. – Applied research. Author Iosef Sarjveladze;

   3.     0104 - Food Technologies – “ Food Safety” - a text book; Author Ketevan Laperashvili;

   4.   0105 – Forest Studies – “ Materials for Inventory of Rare Forest Tree Species”. Applied research. Authors Nana Goginashvili, Irina Tvauri, Zurab Manvelidze;

   5.   020305 – Agrobusiness management “ Management Economy” - a text book; Authors: Eteri Kharaishvili, Marina Chavleishvili, Nino Damenia, Tsira Mikatadze;

   6.   0415 – Agro engineering “ Exploitation of machine and tractor park” – a text book. Authors Zaur Putkaradze, Roman Margalitadze, Merab Mamuladze.

       The Presidium of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Science congratulates the winners of 2018 Scientific Awards and wishes success in their future scientific work.  

Meeting dedicated to Innovations in Agrarian Sciences

         On March 20, 2019, a meeting dedicated to Innovations in Agrarian Sciences took place in GAAS; Key presentation on: “ Export of agro-food products: entering new markets” was delivered by Dr. Fatima Mamardashvili, Professor of Javakhishvili University, Head of Agrarian Policy Research Center of International School of Economics, Georgia.

          The presenter talked about export product tendences and give comparative analysis of competitive markets in agrarian sector. She also offered some recommendations regarding new policy and strategy in agrarian product marketing, and marked the necessity of conducting further research work in the field.

          The meeting attended the members of the Commission, the representatives of the Ministry of Environment and Agriculture, invited experts from “Sakpatent” and “Techinform”, the university professors, young researchers and students.

The speeches were delivered by Academician N. Chitanava, Consultant of the Presidium of the Academy, Gocha Tsopurishvili, Expert in agrarian and regional issues, Academician-Secretary P. Koghuashvili, also, Academicians E. Shapakidze and N. Baghaturia; Merab Kutsia - Head of Sakpatent; Archil Bukia, Deputy Director, Agency for Agricultural Projects; Professor Tsotne Samadashvili, Head of Grain Culture Research Office, Ministry of Agriculture; Dr. Nikoloz Kiknavelidze, Head of Mtskheta Tianeti Regional Service Center, and other persons who expressed their opinion around the problem and also thanked the speaker for interesting presentation.

          The Head of the Center, Academician A. Didebulidze in his closing speech thanked host organization and expressed his believe that the cooperation between the two entities will be enhanced in future because it is important to apply joint effort to raise awareness towards Georgian Agrarian product and sustain its enter into international market. Therefore, working on the problem of market promotion of Georgian agrarian product should continue.

           At the end, the Meeting adopted some important resolutions regarding the stated problem.

Guests from Shota Rustaveli Scientific Foundation Visit Academy of Agricultural Sciences

On March 19, 2019, the representatives of Shota Rustaveli Scientific Foundation visited Academy of Agricultural Sciences: General Director Zviad Gabisonia and Depity Director Jaba Samushia. The President of the Academy Guram Aleksidze greeted the Rustavelis Fondi 2019 1guests together with the Academy staff members.

Academician Guram Aleksidze in his welcoming speech emphasized the importance of the meeting considering that the GAAS staff members actively participate in the scientific contests declared by the Foundation. Scientific Conferences organized by GAAS since 2013 – till present have been financially supported by the Foundation. This is a very vivid example of the important projects carried out in cooperation with the foundation.

Rustavelis Fondi 2019 2General Director of the Foundation shared with the meeting participants the information about the innovations and financing envisaged for 2019 in the field of research and science. He also mentioned that one of the major directions in the work of the Foundation will be a support of agricultural projects and the priority will be given to agrarian specialists.

The parties discussed future perspectives of partnership and close cooperation prospects in future. Mr Gabisonia and Samushia answered the questions of the members of host organization.

The following persons took active part during the discussion: Academicians: N. Chitanava, E. Shapakidze, O. Keshelashvili, and Dr. R. Asatiani.  Rustavelis Fondi 2019 3

In their speeches, the importance of the Foundation in development of agrarian sciences was stated. Also they spoke about prioritized programs in agrarian sciences and methodology of study.

At the end of the meeting, G. Aleksidze thanked the guests for coming and sharing the problems the Academy faces today in this respect. He expressed hope that mutually beneficial cooperation between the Academy and the Foundation will successfully continue.

 Rustavelis Fondi 2019 4

International Scientific Conference about Phito-sanitary methods of fight againsts Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

         On March 11-14, 2019, an International Conference was held in Tbilisi, organized by Food National Agency which was dedicated to Phito - sanitari methods of fight against Brown Marmorated Stink Bug. The researchers from 26 countries (Asia, US, Russia, Australia) including Georgia participated in the work of the Conference.


From the Academy of Agricultural Sciences the President of GAAS, Academician G. Aleksidze was invited to the Conference, also Academicians J. Gugushvili, and G. Margvelashvili, and Scientific Secretary M. Barvenashvili.

Levan Davitashvili, the Minister of Agriculture greeted the participants with introductory speech. He stated that the Government of Georgia is actively involved in the measures taken against the Bug which is a big challenge for agriculture of the country.

The Conference discussed different activities and methods applied by Georgian researchers with active participation of the Ministry of Agriculture against the bug. The Document worked out by the Conference on the problem will be further discussed by UN Commission on Food and Agriculture phyto- sanitary measures.

The Conference participants learned about the experience accumulated during the fight against the bug: about 790 000 hectares of agricultural land was processed in 27 municipalities in 523 villages in the following regions: Ajara, Samegrelo, Guria, Imereti.

The program 2019 of fight against the bug was based on 2017-18 year experience and the recommendations of leading Georgian and foreign researchers.

The aim of the program is to protect agricultural product and diminish economic losses. Four major directions in the fight against the bug were underlined.

1. Promotion of active information company to increase population awareness around the problem;

2. Monitoring the territory of spread of the bug and population increase;

3. Control measures –medical treatment against the vermin;

4. Scientific- research activities: study of the biology, reveal of biological predators, and identification of effective biological treatment against the bug.

Within the program, effective measures of fight against hazelnut was discussed. Also the Government will deliver technical means to hazelnut producers to continue effectively a long term fight against the bug.

Besides the Georgian Ministry of Environment and Agriculture, local government bodies and non-governmental organizations are also involved in the process.

International Conference was held with active support of European Institutional Development Program (CIB).

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