Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

At the Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Tbilisi, April 25, 2019.

           In accordance with the Chart of the Academy ( Chapter X, Par. 41) and the Decision made by the Academy ( #1, January 25, 2019), Expert Commission stated that the vacancy on real Member of the Academy , specialty 0105 “ Forest studies” specialization “ Forest Industry” 010501 – one vacancy. The following persons are the candidates for the position.  

T Kandelaki




1.1.Temur Kandelaki – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Full Professor of Agrarian University;

    ( see the CV in attachment)




G Gagoshidze a     


      1.2.Giorgi Gagoshidze - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Full Professor of of Georgian Technical University. He was given recommendation to participate in the Contest to fill the vacancy.  

    ( see the CV in attachment)


International Scientific Conference

On April 7-12, 2019, in Batumi, Hotel “Inturist” The 9th International Conference of Black and Caspian Seas and Central Asian Countries ( BACSA) was held. The topic of the Conference was: Sericulture Preservation and Revival –Problems and Prospects“. The theme of the Conference fits well with the present state of sericulture development in Georgia, the country which strives to revive ancient traditions of sericulture; Also, some measures of its development have been taken.

           Information regarding this problem has been published in media. Newspapers “Republic of Georgia”, Wednesday, April 17, 2019, and “ Rezonans” April 19, 2019, Friday.

International Scientific Conference

On April 7-12, 2019, in Batumi, Hotel “Inturist” The 9th International Conference of Black and Caspian Seas and Central Asian Countries ( BACSA) was held. The topic of the Conference was: Sericulture Preservation and Revival –Problems and Prospects“. The theme of the Conference fits well with the present state of sericulture development in Georgia, the country which strives to revive ancient traditions of sericulture; Also, some measures of its development have been taken.

           Information regarding this problem has been published in media. Newspapers “Republic of Georgia”, Wednesday, April 17, 2019, and “ Rezonans” April 19, 2019, Friday.


International Scientific Conference Discusses the Problems of World Sericulture

On April 7-12, 2019, in Batumi, Hotel “ Inturist” The 9th International Conference of Black and Caspian Seas and Central Asian countries ( BACSA) was held. The topic of the Conference was: Sericulture preservation and revival – problems and prospects “. BACSA – International Silk producers’ Association was founded in 2005 and there were 9 countries besides Georgia. Today this Association unites 20 countries which work successfully in their countries to develop sericulture.

Bacsa 2019 1Sericulture is a very complex field of agriculture and it unites the following: growing mulberry trees, production of silk egg, feeding of the silkworm, first processing of the cocoon, keeping and trading of the cocoon, to name a few. Therefore, sericulture involves a series of complex activities which is directed towards cocoon production.  

   The countries which BACSA unites today face some serious problems. For example, China and partially India which approximately produce 82% of whole world silk production today - occupy silk production market. Half of goods these countries produce for domestic consumption, but 50% percent goes to the world market. Therefore, BACSA was founded to address this problem and help other countries to develop sericulture and find their place in the market.Bacsa 2019 2

Georgia is among those countries which needs support in revival of the field which was a good source of additional income for the local farmers and villagers.

The Conference organizer together with BACSA was Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences which carried out a significant work to make this conference successful.

The following countries participated in International Conference: Georgia, Bulgaria, Rumania, Turkey, Poland, Italy, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Russia, Also, invited guests from China and India. A special representative of UN – working on the problems of sericulture doctor Deelip Kumar ( India) took active part in conference work.

Bacsa 2019 3The conference was greeted by Mr. Tite Aroshidze, the Minister of Agriculture of Ajara Region, and the President of GAAS Academician Guram Aleksidze.

The Panel presentation of Panomir Tsenov, the Presodent of BACSA, dealt with the most urgent problems of sericulture in the abovementioned countries, he also spoke about the present status of sericulture in the world and the tendency of its further development, described some difficulties existed in sericulture, production and trading silk goods, also the report included some successful examples of development of the branch in close cooperation with international organizations. BACSA fundamental principles of cooperation in the sphere of science, technology, training and exchange of experience have been stressed out.

46 articles were presented out of which 8 were panel presentations. Academician Elguja Shapakidze made a presentation about Georgian sericulture and its present state of development, future perspectives and focused on the projects designed by Georgian Government together with Ajara Ministry of Agriculture for revival and promotion of sericulture in Georgia.Bacsa 2019 4

On the plenary session, presentation on “Silk in Georgian Culture and Religion: Its past and present” was made by Dr. Prof. Irina Bakhtadze, representative of GAAS. Her article raise interest among the scholars and was approved by Conference participants.

The discussions around the future perspectives of BACSA was one of the focal points of the Conference and it addressed a wide range of problems including the role of organic sericulture in biological agriculture, some valuable recommendations have been worked out for development of organic silk production and perspectives of development of world sericulture, also talked about BACSA regional cooperation mission.

The huge efforts made by Ajara Ministry of Agriculture staff members who supported successful development of the Conference should be particularly stressed out because the event has been very important for revival and promotion of Georgian sericulture in future.

 Bacsa 2019 5

Participation of the Academy in International Scientific the Forum

On march 29, 2019, in Tbilisi, hotel Radison Blue Iveria, an International Scientific Forum dedicated to perspectives of development of Science in Georgia was organized and hosted by Shorta Rustaveli National Foundation and supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport.

Forumi 2019In September 2018, in the Monasteri complex of Ikalto, Kakheti region, Mikheil Batiashvili, a Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, presented a new plan of education reform which envisaged a complex approach to all directions of education.

Main priority during the reform discussions was given to science development. One of the major directions of the reform is to support science which includes, support of strategic scientific projects on the one hand, and involvement of young researchers and stimulating their activities – on the other.

The aim of the Forum organized by Shorta Rustaveli National Foundation was discussion and evaluation of the present situation existed in science, its challenges, future perspectives and determining important priorities in this sphere.

In the work of the forum, the following persons who represented Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences took part: Academician Guram Aleksidze, Academician-Secretary Elguja Shapakidze, Acad. Nodar Chitanava, Acad. Revaz Asatiani and Acad. Nodar Baghaturia.

Academician Guram Aleksidze talked about perspectives of development of agrarian sciences and its role in food supply of the G Aleqsidze Forumi 1country. He also mentioned that a number of scientific- research institutes working in the field of agrarian sciences were abolished years ago, and qualified staff members, researchers became unemployed. He focused on the necessity of creating scientific-research centers based on the Academy in different branches of agriculture. He also mentioned that it is important to restore a two-stage scientific dissertation system which used to function successfully until 1990s. The defense of the dissertations should take place at the Academy which will hold a Dissertation Council.

Plenary Sessions were organized in six directions. The representatives of the Academy took part in the fourth panel discussion which was dedicated to agrarian sciences and adopted adequate important recommendations.

# 51 Ivane Javakhishvili st, 0102, Tbilisi, Georgia. Tel. (+995 32) 291 01 14; 296 03 00;  294 13 20;

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