Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Conference in Ajara

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On November 16, 2017, on the  initiative  of  GAAS and support of Ajara Ministry of Agriculture and State University, a joint Conference was held on the following topic: “ Ajara Agrarian Sector contemporary problems and the perspectives of future improvements.”Achara XI 2017 1

In the work of the Conference the following persons, the members of GAAS,  academicians and professors took part: G. Margvelashvili, R. Makharoblidze, E. Shapakidze, T. Kurashvili, V. Tsanava, G. Papunidze, and R, Jabnidze. Among Conference participants also were: Minister of Ajara Agriculture A. Meskhidze, Rector of Batumi State University Prof. Merab Khalvashi, Vice Rector of the same University Prof. N. Tsiklashvili, also the representatives of Ministry and UNiversity, students and doctorate students.Achara XI 2017 2

1.      The Conference was opened by A. Meskhidze, the Minister of Ajara Ministry of Agriculture.

 The conference program included the following presentations:

2. Academician Elguja Shapakidze, the head of Academic Department of GAAS. The topic of his presentation was: “ The Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences is celebrating its 60-year anniversary”.

3. Professor Merab Khalvashi – the Rector of Shota Rustaveli Batumi State University.

4. Professor. Z. Putkaradze – Head of Ajara Scientific- Consulting Center, GAAS;

5.  A. Meskhidze, the Minister of  Ajara Ministry of Agriculture delivered the presentation on: “The 2018 determined programs of development of Minister of Ajara Ministry;

6. Academician Gogola Margvelashvili , GAAS,   spoke about “ Soil Fertility Management in conditions of organic and intensive agriculture”.

Achara XI 2017 37. Academician R. Makharoblidze , GAAS,   - “ Technology and technical means of restoration  of degraded Tea Plantations in Georgia. “

 8. Academician V. Tsanava, GAAS,  topic of presentation: “ The problems of fertilizing of subtropical cultures.

9. Academician T. Kurashvili, GAAS, “ The measures taken against infectious diseases spread in Ajara. “

10. Academician R. Jabnidze, GAAS. “ The problem of training and raising qualification of specialists of agriculture in Ajara region.”

11. Academician G. Papunidze, GAAS, The problems of Development of Ajara Agriculture”.

 12. Associate Professor, R. Margalitadze,  Batumi State University, -“Agricultural technologies and the perspectives of its development.”

14 Associate Professor, A. Murvanidze, Batumi State University, - “ Pestisides spread in agrozenoz of Ajara and the results of monitoring.”

 15. Dr. T. Zoidze Batumi,  Batumi, “ The perspectives of country tourism development in Ajara’.Achara XI 2017 4

   16.  M. Bolkvadze,  Director of Cooperative Bee- Georgia,  “ The prospects of development of bee farming in Ajara.

During the Conference the participants raised many questions. Discourse was very interesting and dealt with  different aspects of agrarian science and Ajara agriculture. New directions in development of rational and sustainable projects were outlined.

The Conference congratulated the Academy of Agriculture with its 60-year jubilee and wished further success in scientific achievements as well as in all its versatile practical activities.


International Scientific Conference

On October 25-27, 2017, an International Scientific Conference on “Viticulture, Winemaking in European Countries, Historical  Aspects and Perspectives” was held at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Georgia.kONFERENCIA 2017 1

The Conference was financially supported by the Shota Rustaveli National Scientific Foundation.

The Aim of the Conference was to discuss the current problems of Viticulture and Winemaking in European Countries and in Georgia. The Conference outlined the future perspectives of development of the viticulture and winemaking  and worked out some recommendations for business development. One of the aims of the Conference was to generalize the recent scientific achievements of EU countries in the field, the innovative technologies, and to prepare basis for the future exchange programs between Georgia and EU countries.

Together with Georgian Scientists, the representatives of many countries such as: France, Italy, Rumania, Spain, Slovakia, Ukraine, and Moldova took part in the work of the Conference.

The leader of the delegation from France was   Michel Thibier (France) – The president of the  Union of European Academies for Science applied to Agriculture, Food and Nature.

The Conference was opened by the President of GAAS Academician Guram Aleksidze who welcomed the Conference participants, the special guests who arrived from Europe and talked about the Conference aims and briefly outlined rationale behind organizing the conference. Welcoming speeches were also made by: the Ministry of Agriculture Levan Davitashvili, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science Tamaz Marsagishvili, the President of Georgian Academy Giorgi Kvesitadze, the President of the Academy of Agriculture Prof. Michel Thibier, The President of Rumanian Academy  of Agriculture, Georg Sin, Academician Secretary of the Academy of Agriculture, Academician Vladimer Khareba, the Minister of Agriculture of  Ajara Autonomous Republic - Avtandil Meskhidze, the Dean of Agrarian Sciences and Bio-systems engineering Prof. Giorgi Kvartskhava,  Jozef Turok (Slovakia) – University of Bratislava, Doctor;

Konferencia 2017 2Fabio Quaglino (Italy) – University of Milan, Doctor; Rafael Ocete Rubio (Spain) University of Seville, Doctor; Brigitte  Laquieze, Academy of Agriculture of France Vlasov V., Ludmila  Konup, Odessa, Ukraine,  the Head of laboratory of the Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking - M. Ion, V. Filip, Elena Brînduse, and other guests. Also, the Director of Scientific- Research Centre Levan Ujmajuridze welcomed the Conference participants and wished them successful work.

The Conference presentations lasted three days and totally 68 presentations were delivered, among them 18 articles were presented at plenary Sessions which dealt with the development of viticulture and winemaking, the scientific studies conducted in this field and the measures regarding protection of gene-fund, as well as future perspectives for advancement of the branch.

The Conference participants affirmed that the European World of Viticulture and Winemaking got acquainted with the origins of Georgian viticulture, the specificities of family-based wine-making traditions, modern technologies, the  gene-fund of Georgian vine towards which international interest is increasing.  Raising awareness in the world regarding our rich and the oldest grapevine gene-fund is very important as it will support its further protection throughout the world.Kutaisi 2017 3

 Organizing International forums in this field is particularly significant for the development of the economy of Georgia, because Georgian wine is one of the most important products exported from Georgia.

In the result of the Conference, the scientific contacts between the International and Georgian experts and scholars have been deepened based on which the practice of exchange of specialists, researchers, farmers  and agrarian science personnel will be involved in exchange programs.  The GAAS and the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia will be able to implement the theoretical results and practical assumptions presented at the conference into the farm industries and winemaking.  Thus, the Conference results will be widely publicized which will be very helpful, particularly in the direction of implementation of  modern technologies.  After the Conference the Academy is planning to organize seminars, round tables, field days , and excursions not only in Georgia but outside it to publicize and make the Conference results accessible for a wide circles of farmers, industries and private enterprises.

Konferencia 2017 4At the Conference Summing-Up Session, A declaration was adopted which acknowledges the importance of close cooperation among the researchers of different countries, and therefore the scientific forums have great significance.

The Conference declared  that:

  1. it is very important for Governmental, non- governmental organizations as well as wide society to be involved actively in the development of viticulture and winemaking to work out the plan for achievement of the common goals.
  2. It is particularly important that the Academy of Agriculture of European Union supports Georgia and its endeavor to develop and broaden the scope of activities, enhance the quality of production through implementation of modern technologies and methodology will undoubtedly resulted in more close cooperation and enhancement of scientific researches in the field.  

  3. The value of the Conference in promotion common policystrategy for effective development of viticulture and winemaking with active participation of government, non-governmental organizations, citizens and scientific society;Konferencia 2017 5
  4. The significance of the forum conducted in independent Georgia which will undoubtedly promote popularization of Georgian wines and open the door to European markets; 

 Following the Conference Agenda, the participants visited Jighaura Experimentation Station, also Al. Chavchavadze House museum in Tsinandali, Kakheti, also “Twins Winemaking Company” where the guests were able to visit a unique museum of Georgian Kvevri , and finally, the “Winemaking Company Khareba” hosted the participants and organized excursion in the  ancient “Tunnel” –  wine cellar, and showed  winemaking facilities and a wine museum.

 At the end of the Conference all participants received Certificates of Participation. 


Scientific Conference on problems of Agro-engineering


On October 3, 2017,  GAAS organized the Conference at Georgian Technical University, the Department of Bio-systems and Engineering on: Advancement of Technical services of Agrarian sector”. The Conference attended members of GAAS and Scientific research center of the Agrarian University.

The Conference was headed by Academician G. Aleksidze, the President of GAAS. The following papers were presented at the Conference:

The present situation of agro-engineering services today and its perspectives.

Presenter: Acad. R. Makharoblidze, GAAS

2. Resource –saving Innovative technologies to increase the reliability of agricultural machinery.

Presenter: Acad. R. Katsitadze, GAAS

3. Perspectives of development of labor-consuming  process of mechanization of sericulture on the example of Ajara Autonomous republic.

Presenter: Acad. E. Shapakidze, GAAS

4. Applying traditional technologies to grow strawberries – economic analysis.

Presenter: Prof. Dr. O. Karchava, Georgian Agrarian University;

5. Implementation of tea plantation restoration on the example of Ltd. “ Mechanozatori”.

Presenter: Prof. Dr. Z. Makharoblidze.

6. The Projects and perspectives carried out by Georgian Technical University, the Department of Bio-systems and Engineering.

Presenter: Prof. Dr. N. Ebanoidze , Scientific – Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia.,

The work of the Conference was summarized by the GAAS president G. Aleksidze. He positively assessed the Conference work and recommended to send the research results to the Ministry of Education and Sciences and Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia.

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Photo: Conference participants

International Scientific Conference in Azerbaijan

On September 17-21, 2017, in Azerbaijan, Baku, International Scientific Conference on the topic: The affect of Climate change on Biodiversity was held. The representatives of 20 countries, including Georgia participated in the Conference. Revaz Jabnidze, the professor of Batumi State University, member of GAAS,  was the Chair of Subtropical Section. In his presentation Jabnidze spoke about Subtropical cultures – the citrus introduced from Japan, China, Spain; Also he analyzed the problems regarding its growing, acclimatization and adaptation.

Baqo Jabnidze 2017



Rezo Jabnidze, the Chair of the Section;  Co –Chairs: Dr. Naz  Jinaz Talal, India, and prof. Husein Hasanoglu Akhadov, Azerbaijan. 

Festival of Science and Innovations 2017

Festival of Science and Innovations 2017  at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences


      On the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science, in the framework of the on-going Festival of Science and Innovations 2017, on the 28th of September, 2017,   at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences a Public lecture for the high school students of public school No 31 was held.

     The meeting was opened by Guram Aleksidze, the President of GAAS who talked about the role of science and education and particularly about the role of agrarian sciences in the economic stability and progress of the country. Prior to the beginning of the public lectures, the President and director of the school Marian Nijharadze signed an Memorandum of cooperation, which once again confirms the role of the close cooperation between the scientific institutions and schools.

During the meeting the students listened to the following lectures:

     “The Solar system, Geography, biodiversity and the role of a man in preservation of nature”.

The presenter: Learned Secretary of the Academy, Revaz Lolishvili.

“ Global Challenges of Earth protection in the 21st century: Nature in the 19th century Georgian Poet Vajha Pshavela and the American Philosopher and Poet R.W. Emerson.”

Presenter Dr. Prof. Irina Bakhtadze, The Academy of Agricultural Sciences

The lectures raised wide interest among the listeners and the students asked the questions and shared their ideas around the problems.

The meeting was attended by Vice President Academician G. Japaridze, Head of Academic Department,        E. Shapakidze, Scientific Secretary M. Barvenashvili, Deputy president Dr. Giorgadze, and other members of the Academy.

 At the end of the meeting, the President of GAAS gave to school academic publications, and the authors of public lectures Dr. Lolishvili and Dr. Bakhtadze presented printed versions of their lectures.

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Photo:  The president of the Academy of GAAS G. Aleksidze and the director of public school No 31 Nijharadze  Signing Memorandum.

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   The students in the Exhibition Hall,  Deputy President Dr. Giorgadze, is talking with the students

See the printed versions of the public lectures on the sites follow the links.

1. Revaz Lolishvili. “The Solar system, Geography, biodiversity and the role of a man in preservation of nature”.

2. Dr. Irina Bakhtadze . “ Global Challenges of Earth protection in the 21st century: Nature in the 19th century Georgian Poet Vajha Pshavela and the American Philosopher and Poet R.W. Emerson.”


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