Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

International Symposium “Eurasian Biodiversity”

(City – Minsk, Belarus)

On July 5-9, 2017, in Minsk, Belarus State University, an International Symposium “Eurasian Biodiversity” was held, and renowned researchers from twenty five countries participated in the work of the Symposium. Among them was Professor Revaz Jabnidze, academician of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences who delivered his scientific paper on:  Peculiarities of growing and developing of the citruses introduced into Georgia”. The article raised live interest and was followed by discussion. R. Jabnidze also addressed the participants in his welcoming speech and particularly focused on friendship and fruitful cooperation between the two countries – Georgia and Belarus. There is a memorandum of partnership between the Academies of Agriculture of the two countries which was signed in Tbilisi, when the President of Belarus Lukashenko had an official visit in Georgia. The cooperation in the field of agriculture is developing and is mutually beneficial for both parties. 

Academician Jabnidze was chairing scientific session in Plant Studies. The work of the session was distinguished at the Conference as one of the most fruitful and successful and its participants were given certificates. At the end of the Conference it was announced that the next conference will be held in Ukraine, and in 2019 the same conference will be hosted by Georgia.     

Minsk 5 VII 2017On the Photo: The participants of the Symposium from the right – Prof. Antonio Valverde, Agrarian University of Barcelona, Academician Rezo Jabnidze, Prof. Vladimer Vasiliev, Vice Rector of Belarus State University, and Prof.  Alphonso Galvani, Director of Research Institute of Biodiversity in Italy. 

The Round Table – “Education – Research – Innovations”


Mrg Magida 1On July 10, 2017, in the Academy, a Round Table on “Education – Research – Innovations” initiated by Coordinating group   was held within the project of “135 – Enhancing academic cooperation in environmental studies “( ACCES).

 The event was attended by the members of the Academy: academicians R. Makharoblidze and E. Shapakidze, secretaries: Dr. Barnavelidze, and Dr. Lolishvili, leading specialists: L. Mrg Magida 2Chaika and I. Chkoidze, the member of coordinators Prof. O. Karchava, professors of Agrarian University Prof. Kurashvili, Prof, Gubaladze, Prof. T. Odilavadze, and others.

Active part in the discussion took the invited guests from Vienna University of Natural Resources and Science.  Prof. M. Hymelbauer made a presentation on: “Green Technologies” Mrg magida 3and outlined the significance of teaching environmental studies to students, and role of new approaches and methodology of teaching. He shared with the participants the rich experience of his University BOKU – about the implementation of electronic teaching (MOODLE).

The round table participants expressed strong will to pay more attention to educational programs. Form this point of view, it is important to mention a fruitful cooperation between Georgian Technical University and the Academy of Agricultural Sciences.   Considerable progress has been achieved in this area with the initiative of G. Kvartskhava and K. kruashvili, the head of Department of the Technical University. 

Mrg magida 4Mrg magida 5 

Success of the Academician of GAAS Jemal Katsitadze at International Scientific Congress


In 21-25 June, 2017, in the city of Varna, an International Scientific- Technical Congress on the topic: “Technology in Agriculture” was held. More than 100 researchers and doctorate students participated from European Union and Eastern European countries, among them 4 academicians, 60 professors and 30 doctorate students and scientific workers. Georgia was represented by the Professor of Agrarian University, academician Jemal Katsitadze and Doctor Giorgi Kutelia.

Academician Jemal Katsitadze delivered the scientific paper: “Improving the reliability of agricultural machinery, using the method of restoration of parts under submerged arc welding, and its technical and economic evaluation”. He was also a member of organizing committee of the Congress and he addressed the Congress participants from the name of GAAS and its president G. Aleksidze, and wished success in further scientific work. The Organizing Committee selected three best scientific papers among them was the article by J. Katsitadze which was awarded by the Highest Diploma and was published in a scientific journal MTM (Machines, Technologies, Materials).  

Kacitadze Varna 2017 Speech of Jemal Katsitadze at International Scientific Congress,
Varna, Bulgaria, June 22, 2017

The Joint Expedition of Georgia-Korea Republics


15 VI 17 Korea 1On June 15, 2017, a delegation from Korea, the representatives of Korea Agro-biodiversity Center of National Academy of Sciences and the Scientific Center of Horticulture of Korea visited Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

The particular visit is a part of a joint project the aim of which is the exchange of plant genetic resources and development of two-way cooperation in management and scientific researches. The President of GAAS, G. Aleksidze is directing the project. 15 VI 17 Korea 2Also, Dr. T. Epitashvili, the assistant of the President is actively involved in the project.

The goal of the expeditions is to collect Georgian genetic resources and send to Korea agro-biodiversity gene bank to be kept there.

The Third Congress of Georgian Farmers

18891433 1743730335667628 792451487739873754 oOn the 6th June, 2017, Biological Production Association “Elkana” with support of OXFAM, organized  The Third Congress of Georgian Farmers. Among the invited guests were the Head of Agrarian Committee in the Parliament Otar Danelia, the Minister of Agriculture Levan Davitashvili, Deputy Minister Giorgi Khanishvili, representative of the Agency for development of agricultural cooperatives – Giorgi Misheladze, OXFAM representative in Georgia Levan Dadiani, Georgian Farmers’ Association President – Nino Zambakhidze and farmers from different parts of Georgia. From GAAS, active participation in the work of the Congress took A. Giorgadze, Deputy President, and the learned secretaries of the Academy Revaz Lolishvili and Marina Barvenashvili.

19023705 1743735845667077 1292984597010389264 oThe Congress was opened by the Director of “Elkana” Mariam Jorjadze who spoke about the significance of the Congress in the development of farming industry in Georgia. Levan Davitashvili’s speech was focused on the role of export of Georgian agricultural product and raising competitiveness in international market. Rusudan Tabukashvili’s speech on the further plans of the Association was supported by video materials which highlighted the achievements and evaluations of the previous Congress.18893021 1743735292333799 462787885033433998 n

Particular attention during the Congress was paid to the ways of problem management and the Minister answered the farmers’ questions.

The Congress was closed by Mariam Jorjadze who assured that they would be actively involved in solution of the problems the farmers face in implementation of bio-production.

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