Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Academician, member- correspondent of GAAS Tamaz Turmanidze – 80 years old

T Turmanidze



On October 4, 2017, Academician, member- correspondent of GAAS  Tamaz Turmanidze  celebrated  80- year jubilee. He has been carrying out a fruitful scientific work for more than 45 years.

The Academy of Agricultural Sciences  congratulates a distinguished scholar with the Jubilee and wishes a many-year fruitful scientific and pedagogical work. 




Academician, member of GAAS Revaz Chagelishvili – 80 years old

R Chagel




On August 28, 2017, Academician, member of GAAS  Revaz Chagelishvili celebrated   80-  year jubilee. He has been carrying out a fruitful scientific work for more than 55 years.

The Academy of Agricultural Sciences congratulates Academician  Revaz Chagelishvili , a distinguished scholar with the Jubilee and wishes  good health, a  many-year fruitful scientific, public  and pedagogical work. 




International Festival of Science and Innovations -2017

Logo Fest 2017

On September 24, in Rikhe Park, “International Festival of Science and Innovations -2017“

was opened.  A. Jejelava, Minister of Education and Science, D. Narmania, Head of Tbilisi City Municipality , M. Mikaberidze,  General Director of Rustaveli National Scientific Foundation  addressed the participants. Festivali 1

The guests enjoyed interesting exhibition organized by Georgian Academy of agricultural Sciences where intellectual production – a result of last 5 year scientific work was presented. The stalls of GAAS also were visited  by Deputy Heads of the Ministry of Education  Q. Natriashvili , T Marsagishvili and L. Gigauri. Aleksndre Prangishvili, the Rector of Technical University and G. Ghavtadze, the Rector of Kutaisi University, also students, school children also studied the exhibition with interest.

Festivali 3GAAS presented the basic researches of real members and member-correspondents of the Academy since 2013 – till present. GAAS offered to the visitors the proceedings, a collection of articles, of the scientific conferences held by the Academy in 2013-2017 years. Also, there were the conference banners, and other scientific publications in different fields of agrarian science, such as, soil management, grain and seed production, viticulture and winemaking, sericulture, cattle breeding, and other.Festivali 4

The guests of the exhibition were hosted by the head of Academic Department E. Shapakidze, Deputy of the President Dr. A. Giorgadze, the assistant of the President T. Epitashvili, learned secretaries M.  Barvenashvili and R. Lolishvili.

Festivali 2On the photo: Representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science at the exhibition of GAAS. From the left, K. Natriashvili, Minister A. Jejelava, Acad. E. Shapakidze, L. Gigauri. 



Guests from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of China

Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences hosts the honorable guests from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of China

On September 6, 2017, Wu Kongming, , the Vice President the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of China, Dr. Prof. Chang Huigi,  the Head of International Relations Department,  and Dr. Leu Shongway,  coordinator of FAO in China,   paid an official visit to Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences.chineli st 1

  The goal of the visit was to sign a Memorandum of Partnership between the two Academies of agricultural sciences. The meeting attended the following members of Georgian Academy, academicians, head of scientific departments: G. Margvelashvili, R. Makharoblidze, J. Gugushvili, N. Baghaturia, E. Shapakidze, N. Chkhartishvili, T. Kurashvili, Deputy President of the Academy, A. Giorgadze, Scientific Secretaries M. Barvenashvili, and R. Lolishvili, Assistant of the President in International Relations T. Epitashvili, head Specialist, G. Mosashvili, Ts. Tegetashvili, I. Bakhtadze, and M. Mosashvili. 

 chineli st 2The meeting was opened by Academician G. Aleksidze.  He mentioned that a partnership document between the two academies was first signed in 2009, but the progress in management and in application of energy-saving technologies which has taken place for the last decade in agriculture called for the necessity of renovation of the terms of partnership.chineli st 4

 According the present Memorandum, the sides undertake the responsibility to create new scientific laboratories to carry out researches in the fields, which both sides take deep interest. Those fields are: production of corn and food products; fruit and vegetables; viticulture and wine-making; horticulture; silk production, veterinary;  bio diversity and its improvement; food product standards and testing.

Wu Kongming, the Vice President the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of China, expressed his deep approval regarding strengthening a joint fruitful cooperation envisaged by the present Memorandum signed in Tbilisi. He mentioned that the Document will also become a foundation for Georgia to be involved in the UN “South Tier” Programs, in which the country with its rich scientific potential and experience could play a significant role.

At the end of the meeting, Acad. G. Aleksidze and Wu Kongming, the Vice President the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of China signed the Memorandum on Cooperation between the two academies of agricultural sciences which will be in force for five years.

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 On the photo: Acad. G. Aleksidze, the president of GAAS  and Wu Kongming, the Vice President the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of China sign the Memorandum. Tbilisi, September 6, 2017.

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 On the photo: Guests from China and the members of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

International Cooperation with foreign countries on hazelnut production

On August 9, the representatives of Oregon State University visited Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Agricultural Academy of Sciences of Georgia and Oregon State University have had interesting collaboration since 2000. Among the honorable guests were: Prof. Shown A.  Mehlenbacher, hazelnut breeding and genetics, Oregon State University,  Mr. Jacob Snelling, Research Assistant, hazelnut genetic lab, Mr. Justin  Lombardoni, graduate student studying Georgian hazelnut germplasm,  Rutgers University, Mr. Jorge  Mohr, Viveros Nefuen, hazelnut propagation and orchard management, Chile. Mrs. Victoria Lira, specialized on history. Also, Georgian researchers: Dr. Khatuna Akhalaia, Eco-technologist,  Dr. Maia Mirotadze , Food Technologies, and nana Mirotadze, participated in the meeting. The aim of the meeting was to design the ways of future cooperation in production of hazel nut, improvement of present situation and working out the strategy for raising the efficiency of the hazel nut production. Local partner organization -  Eco Life Consulting.

 The representatives of Georgina Academy of Agricultural Sciences Academician Guram Aleksidze, the President of the GAAS, Vice President, Academician Givi Japaridze, Academician Iuza Vasadze, Deputy President Dr. Anatoli Giorgadze, Scientific Secretaries, Dr. Marina Bardavelidze and Dr. Revaz Lolishvili, and Assistant of the President, Tina Epitashvili were attending the meeting. The researchers exchanged the information about hazelnut orchard development and strategy.

At the end of the meeting , the sides agreed to continue mutual support regarding implementation of modern technologies for growing and producing hazel nuts in Georgia. The guests continued their trip in Kakheti and Samegrelo regions to study the existed state of problem   

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Photo: The meeting participants at GAAS

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Photo: The President of GAAS, G. Aleksidze and Mr. Shawn A. Mehlenbacher

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