Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Meeting at Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences dedicated to the Jubilee of Academician Valerian Metreveli

Metreveli 100 1On April 19, 2017, in the conference hall of GAAS, a meeting dedicated to the 100th anniversary from the birth of Academician Valerian Metreveli was held which was opened by the GAAS President, Academician Guram Aleksidze.  Acadmician Archil Vashakidze, in his speech talked about Valerian Metreveli’s scientific and social activities. The colleagues, employees, and former students of Valerian Metreveli dedicated their speeches to the memorable moments spent in the company of their colleague, about the success achieved with the support of Valerian Metreveli.

Many honorable academicians and professors spoke about V. Metreveli’s share in the development of agrarian science and the achievements of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences under his leadership. Among the speakers were: The President of Georgian Academy of Sciences G. Kvesitadze;  Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science, T. Marsagishvili;  Vice President of GAAS Givi Japaridze, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture I. Nozadze; Representatives of Georgian Patriarchy, Academicians of GAAS, A. Didebulidze, Z. Tsikitishvili, R. Makharoblidze, E. Shapakidze,  J. Katsitadze, G. Papunidze, R. Chagelishvili, R. Ruseishvili shared their valuable memories regarding the outstanding scholar, teacher and leader in the field of agriculture.  Also, family members of Valerian Metreveli, his daughter Ms. Marina Metreveli, imparted her recollections regarding her father and thanked the meeting participants for telling their  reminiscences to the society.Metreveli 100 0

The speakers talked about the important achievements of the Scientific- research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification, and of the agrarian Georgian Institute under Metreveli’s leadership. His particularly important accomplishment was a revival of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. A distinguished academician was remembered as a lecturer and person who contributed his knowledge and his power to raising and encouraging young researchers and specialists in the field of agriculture.

  The name of academician Valerian Metreveli will always remain in the hearts and minds of his family, colleagues and of the nation which should remember his distinguished role in the development of agrarian sciences of Georgia.

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Academician Valerian Metreveli

Academician Valerian Metreveli

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17.04.1917 – 24.01.2004


Valerian Metreveli was born in the village of Utsera, Oni Region.

In 1941 he graduated from department of Electrification, Georgian Politechnical Institute (distant learning); at the same time he was a student of Tbilisi State University, Department of Mechanics and Mathematics which he also completed a year later and earned diploma in 1942. He was first employed by Tbilisi Electrification Trest.

Valerian Metreveli:

 Doctor of Technical Sciences ( 1964);      Professor ( 1966);

Academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Soviet Union. (VASXNIL) since 1978;

Academician of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (1990)

The Head of Electrification Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia. (1939-1955);

Director of Scientific- research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification (1961-1974);

Rector of Agrarian Institute of Georgia (1974-1983);

Head of Regional Caucasus Department of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Soviet Union. (VASXNIL) (1983- 1990);

Deputy Head of Georgian “Agromretsvi” . (1983-1990);

The President of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences ( 1990-2004);

A notable member of Georgian society of agrarian scientists is awarded with many rewards and decorations, namely: Medals of Lenin, State Red Flag, October Revolution, and others. V. Metreveli was a real member of three academies. 

 Honorable member of Agrarian University of Hungary;

 Distinguished scholar published more than 250 scientific works, among them 10 books and 5 text-books. Also he is an author of 40 inventions out of which 11 inventions were patented abroad.    

The Guests of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences


On April 10, 2017, a representative of China Business Consulting Company – Huahe International , Ms. Chen Zin, and a Director of Chinese Center in Armenia, Ms. Izabella Mouradyan visited the GAAS. Chineli stumari 1

The following members of the Academy greeted the guests: The President of GAAS,  Acad. G. Aleksidze, Vice- President, Acad. G. Japaridze, Head of Academic Departments Acad.  E. Shapakidze,  Deputy President Dr. A. Giorgadze, and the staff members of the Academy.

Academician Guram Aleksidze talked about the short and long term investment projects in the field of agriculture of Georgia and about scientific achievements of the members of the Academy.

Main goal of the Meeting was designing and implementing of the joint projects.

Chineli stumari 2aIt was decided to set up project proposals and sent to the parties for further consideration and fulfillment. 

One of the issues discussed during the meeting was a question of participation of Georgian delegation in International Exhibition of agricultural products, as well as definition of main directions which should be presented at the exhibition by Georgia. 


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BACSA International Conference in Sericulture

 On April 1-7, 2017,  the city of Sheck, Azerbaijan,  The 8th International Conference of Black and Caspian Sees and Central Asia Countries Association (BACSA) was held on the topic: Change of Climate and Pesticides – New Challenges in Sericulture”.Bacsa 3

The participants of the Conference were the researchers, businessmen, and representatives of cooperatives from different countries: Bulgaria, Rumania, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmen, China, Thailand and Cuba. From Georgia, Academician of GAAS, Elguja Shapakidze, N. Baramidze, the Chief specialist of Scientific- Research Center, Agricultural University, the Head of Sericulture laboratory I. Gujabidze and Z. Tskuruashvili took part in the work of the Conference. The Conference was opened by the president of BACSA, Prof. P. Cenov ( Bulgaria) who made a panel presentation: “ The Affect of Climate Change on Sericulture of Caucasus Region and Central Asia”.

All participants of the Conference presented their articles and made important suggestions. Academician Shapakidze’s paper dealt with the problems of sericulture development in Georgia: “Sericulture – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.”  On the second day of the Conference, Acad. Shapakidze delivered his second article on “Modern Innovative Technologies and Technical Means in Sericulture” which raised live interest among Bacsa 2Conference participants. The Conference summarized the achievements in sericulture, also expressed the opinion that  it is important to render active support to the republics which were producers of silk during the Soviet Union period, namely to: Georgia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan,  and Ukraine.

The Conference addressed China and Thailand to support the above mentioned countries in revival and development of sericulture. Within the framework of the Conference, a seminar in Shack Sericulture factory was held. Modern technologies for silk thread spinning and for dying were  demonstrated.

On decision of BACSA Executive Committee, an official address to Georgian Prime Minister was worked out to get a formal agreement from the Government of Georgia regarding the support of the 9th International Conference of BACSA, which is planned to take place in Georgia. In case the problem is positively solved, Georgia will have an opportunity to stimulate the development of the branch of sericulture in Georgia.

Photos: From Left: BACSA President Prof. P. Cenov, Dr. N. Baramidze and Acad. E. Shapakidze.

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International Conference in Vinitsa ( Ukraine) Agrarian University

    Ukraina 2017 2   On  March 29-30, Vinitsa (Ukraine), Agrarian University hosted the 9th International Scientific – practical Conference “The Modern Problems of Improving the Quality, Safety, Production  and Processing of Cattle Breeding.” The participant from GAAS was a Deputy President, Dr. Anatoli Giorgadze.

      The main goal of the Conference was dissemination of scientifically proven recommendations based on the achievements in the field of production and processing of Cattle Breeding.

        Four sections were working in parallel regimes during the Conference: Traditional and Alternative Technologies in Cattle Breeding; Innovations in Feeding Animals and in feeding Aqua-culture; The Scientific Achievements and Perspectives in Animal Selection, Breeding and Hygiene; Formation, Quality and Safety Control of Innovative food Staff and Raw Materials.          Ukraina 2017 3                                                                                                                                     The Conference was opened by Grigori Kaletnic, The President of Agrarian University. The Conference participants were welcomed by Rector of the University Prof. Victor Mazurov and Vice-Rector Alexander Iaremchuk.

         In the Conference work, the representatives of various scientific- research Institutes, universities and firms from different countries, such as Moldova, Georgia, Belarus, Ukraine took part. More than 142 scientific papers were delivered during the Conference followed by live discussions.

        The Conference was summarized by Dr. Oksana Skromna, the Dean of The Faculty of Production and Processing of Meat Products, Agrarian University, Vinitsa. The participants were awarded with the Certificates of Participation.

 Ukraina 2017 1Photo: From Left: Grigori Kaletnic, The President of Agrarian University, Vinitsa; Anatoli Giorgadze, The Deputy President of GAAS, Viktor Mazuri – The Rector of National Agrarian University of Vinitsa. 

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