Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Danish Professor Sten Stender’s lecture- seminar at Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

    On May 19, 2017, Danish Professor, Copenhagen University, the Head of laboratory of Clinical Bio –chemical Department and Vice-president of Nutritious30 V 1 Council Sten Stender delivered a lecture at GAAS :  Industrially produced trans-fats harmful affect on cardio-vascular system and trans-fats in a popular products  – time to protect population”.   

30 V 2The meeting was directed by the Head of Food Safety Department of GAAS Acad. Zurab Tskitishvili and attended by the researchers, professors, MA and doctorate students, and others who take interest in the problems presented by Danish scholar.

The Lecture – Seminar was recorded and was transmitted by the following television channels: TV – 1, Saperavi TV, and Pulse. 30 V 3

 Important discussion was held around the problem raised in the presentation of Danish Stender, in the result of which the Academy  by initiative of  Acad. Z. Tskitishvili prepared official letter for Georgian government in which a scientifically proven conclusions and valuable recommendations  regarding the norms which should be considered by producers 30 V 4was stipulated. Based on this letter, a resolution #262 was issued which aimed to define the norm of industrial Trans- fats in product:

-It should not exceed 2 gr. per 100 vegetable fat; 30 V 5

- The food produced for babies and children should not include trans- fats. 

The Decision will come into forth since August 1, 2017. 

A Scientific Expedition held outside the office of GAAS


 J G 1aOn May 23, 2017, a scientific expedition was organized by GAAS to the following agricultural production farms, Ltd. J G 2Margebeli, Ltd. Lasharela, Ltd. Lomtagora, and kumisi Paultry Production Enterprise . The members of the members of Scientific Board of cattle breeding, veterinary, and food production at the Academy took part in the expedition, alongside with national coordinators of this branch.

Ltd. Margebeli which is cattle breeding complex was discussed in the speech of G. Gogolashvili and G. Beghelauri. The zoo technicians were given recommendations how to improve productivity and achieve higher standards.In Ltd. Lomtagora the J G 1 meeting attended local farmers and specialists. Prof. Beghelauri, Acad. Gugushvili and R. Kikvadze shared with their  important experience in this sphere.

   Proffessors A. Bokuchava and Tatarashvili made presentations in  kumisi Paultry Production Enterprise about existed  problems in poultry raising in Georgia and talked about the ways of solution. 

The results of the expedition was summarized by academician  E. Gugushvili who talked about the significance of the measures carried out in this direction and expressed his wish to continue such meetings because they are important for all who benefit from exchange of knowledge and experience, also this kinds of meetings will support the further expansion of integration between science and production field.  

Academician Elguja Shapakidze – 75

Academician Elguja Shapakidze – 75

G Shapakidze 75On May 20, 2017, the Academy congratulated its real member, academician Elguja Shapakidze with his 75 –year jubilee and wished him a many –year successful scientific and pedagogical work.

Academician Jemal Katsitadze – 80 year jubilee

Academician Jemal   Katsitadze – 80 year jubilee

         Kacitadze 2       On May 26, 2017, a real member of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Academician

 Jemal   Katsitadze will celebrate a jubilee of 80, and a 55-year anniversary of his scientific- pedagogical activities.

 The Academy congratulates the academician and honorable member of Georgian scientific society with his jubilee and wishes him a long and healthy life and fruitful work.

Scientific Department of Forest Studies at GAAS organized a seminar on May 9, 2017

 The topic of the Seminar was: “Remembrance of the two founders of Georgian Forest Studies science – academician Vasil Gulisashvili and professor Solomon Kurdiani.”

05 17 2017 1 On May 9, 2017, with the initiative of Scientific Department of GAAS together with the Scientific department of the Agency for protection of Environment and Natural Resources of Georgia a scientific seminar was held in Sagarejo region: “Commemoration of the two founders of science in Georgian  Forest Studies – academician Vasil Gulisashvili and professor Solomon Kurdiani.”

Academician – Secretary of GAAS, R. Chagelishvili in a his informative and interesting speech presented to the seminar participants a broad picture of the academicians’ role in founding and developing a scientific branch of forest studies in Georgia, also their huge contribution to their country and people’s wellbeing.05 17 2017 2

Professor contributed to the foundation and development of of Tbilisi State University and was one of the initiators of opening Georgian Institute of Agriculture and Professional Education Institute for Forest Studies in 1933.  In Kvareli, Kakheti region College for Forest Studies was opened initiated by academician Kurdiani.

Academician Gulisashvilis founded Scientific Research Institute which is still functioning in Borjomi.

The speeches delivered by Technical University professor G. Gagoshidze and a chief editor of the newspaper “ Sakartvelos Respublika” Gogiashvili, the head of Institute of Forest Studies G. Kavtaradze and professor of Agrarian University A. Supatashvili were very impressive, full of interesting facts and reminiscences about important scientific achievements and activities which these two outstanding scholars carried out throughout their life. 

05 17 2017 3 The seminar participants remembered important facts from the life and social activities of the scholars who contributed their long and fruitful life to development of scientific study of Georgian forests and raised many generations of researchers who continued their work to achieve the aims outlined by academician Vasil Gulisashvili and professor Solomon Kurdiani.

 Final speech to summarize the work of the seminar was made by Academician, the Secretary of GAAS, head of Scientific Department of Forest Studies, R. Chagelishvili. 

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