Danish Professor Sten Stender’s lecture- seminar at Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences
On May 19, 2017, Danish Professor, Copenhagen University, the Head of laboratory of Clinical Bio –chemical Department and Vice-president of Nutritious Council Sten Stender delivered a lecture at GAAS : Industrially produced trans-fats harmful affect on cardio-vascular system and trans-fats in a popular products – time to protect population”.
The meeting was directed by the Head of Food Safety Department of GAAS Acad. Zurab Tskitishvili and attended by the researchers, professors, MA and doctorate students, and others who take interest in the problems presented by Danish scholar.
The Lecture – Seminar was recorded and was transmitted by the following television channels: TV – 1, Saperavi TV, and Pulse.
Important discussion was held around the problem raised in the presentation of Danish Stender, in the result of which the Academy by initiative of Acad. Z. Tskitishvili prepared official letter for Georgian government in which a scientifically proven conclusions and valuable recommendations regarding the norms which should be considered by producers was stipulated. Based on this letter, a resolution #262 was issued which aimed to define the norm of industrial Trans- fats in product:
-It should not exceed 2 gr. per 100 vegetable fat;
- The food produced for babies and children should not include trans- fats.
The Decision will come into forth since August 1, 2017.