Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

A Seminar Dedicated to International Day of Forest

         On March 22, 2017, at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GAAS), a Seminar dedicated to International Day of Forest was held.

       Seminari satkeo 1  The Agenda: 

  • Optimization of Forest Industry and its international

The presenters: The Vice- President  of GAAS Givi Japaridze, Academician-Secretary R. Chagelishvili, the Head of Forest Scientific- Research Department; Learned Secretary of the same Department, and Professor of Agrarian University G. Gagoshidze.2.The sanitary condition of Tbilisi green plants and the measurement of its improvement.

 Presenter: Assoc. Prof. Dr. N. Lomidze, Georgian Agrarian University.Seminari satkeo 2

  •  The Seminar was attended by invited specialists, namely, by Dr. Agrarian Sciences, L. Dolodze, the head of Mariamjvari State reserved territories T. Tiginashvili, Forest specialist, expert in forest studies M. Dvali, Professor of Agrarian University, Doctor of Biology, Supatashvili.  The representatives the forest studies field – professors of Agrarian University G. Vachnadze, B. Tavadze, G. Tsereteli, M. Ebralidze and B. Digmelashvili, and a ranger of Mariamjvari attended the seminar. 

       Seminari satkeo 3  The Seminar participants were congratulated with the Day of Forest preservation by the Vice Rector, who spoke about its importance. He spoke about the present condition of the Georgian forests and assessed the effectiveness of on-going measures taken in regards with improvement of Georgian forests. Particular role in this direction plays Georgian Academy of Agricultural Academy and its Forest studies Departments which hold close cooperation with government institutions and defines the ways to optimize and improve the forest management problems. 

          Academician Givi Japaridze believes one of the major problems should be a control of forest protection activities through legislative acts, therefore, the project: “Forest Regulations” should be supported to speed up the process of preparation of its draft and its passing to the Parliament of Georgia for consideration.

           Seminari satkeo 4The participants of the seminar took active part in the discussion of the problems and expressed their considerations regarding the issues raised during the seminar.

           The Seminar was summarized by Acad. Givi Japaridze. 

The Meeting of the Scientific Council of the Academy


       On March 17, 2017, Scientific Council of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences was held. Besides the members of the Academy, the Meeting of the Council was attended by invited guests and the students of Agrarian and Technical Universities.

    The Meeting Agenda: 20 marti 01

  • Prevention and Control Program of brucellosis disease in Georgia. The presenter: Doctor of Veterinary lasha Avaliani.
  • How to return Georgian bee its good name.  Presenter – Liza Baliashvili

  20 marti 02 In the beginning of the meeting, the president of GAAS told the participants  about the history of the Academy, its structure, main directions in scientific work, the activities carried out by the Courses of Raising Qualification of Farmers and Specialists working in Agriculture which is functioning at GAAS; The president  also shared the future plans of the Academy and mentioned that it is very important for the students to attend the Scientific Meeting of the Academy which will lay a foundation for development of council of young researchers in agriculture.

  The proposal of the President was unanimously supported by the meeting participants and academicians of the Academy Gugushvili, Chakseliani, Tkemaladze, Kvaliashvili, as well as by Dean of Bio-Systems Engineering Department of Agrarian University Prof. Kvartskhava, and students of Agrarian University.

20 marti 2


   Photos: President Acad. G. Aleksidze meets the students in exhibition hall

Joint Board Session of Scientific Departments of GAAS

Sxdoma 9 marti 1aOn March 9, 2017, a Joint Board Session of two Scientific Departments: Economics (Academician Secretary O. Keshelashvili) and Food Safety (Academician Secretary  Z. Tsitishvili) was held at the Academy. The Sesion attended Acad. Givi Japaridze, Vice Rector of GAAS, R. Asatiani, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, N. Khatiashvili, Deputy Director of the Scientific Centre of Ministry of Agriculture and the employees of Risk Management, the representatives of Food Safety, and the students of Agrarian and Technical Universities. 

The Session discussed the following problem: “The peculiarities of transformation of Georgian economy, its tendencies and perspectives” presented by acad. N. Chitanava. The academician offered a deep scientific analysis of current economic problems regarding the financial investments, the perspectives of agricultural development, legislative basis, as well as existed problems in food safety and risk Seminari satkeo 2management. The presenter stressed the role of the Academy as the consultant body of the government and the center directing scientific researches in the field of agriculture.

Around the agenda of the day, active participation was taken by N. Khatiashvili,  R. Asatiani, Sh. Chkheidze, Prof. of Technical University, Acad. P. Koghuashvili, Z. Tskitishvili, and others. 

The work of scientific departments was evaluated and summarized by Acad. Givi Japaridze.

Sxdoma 9 marti 3 

Annual Report Meeting of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences


                  On February 24, an Annual Report Meeting of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences was held following the Agenda of the Day:

The scientific work and activities carried out by the Academy in 2016, and the goals for the 2017; -The presenter Guram Aleksidze, The President of GAAS.

 The annual reports on the same issues were delivered by the academician secretaries of scientific departments: G. Margvelashvili, J. Gugushvili, R. Makharoblidze, Z. Tskitishvili, N. Baghaturia, R. Chagelishvili, and O. Keshelashvili.

The appointment of Revaz Chagelishvili as the Head of Forest studies Scientific Department, GAAS.  The presenter Acad. Givi Japaridze, Vice president of GAAS.

Information regarding the Contest declared by the GAAS  on awarding the best best fundamental and applied scientific work in agrarian sciences for the 2016. The presenters: Acad. Givi Japaridze, Vice President of GAAS and Acad. E. Shapakidze, the Head of Scientific Department.

Current problems and issues:

Acad kreba 2016 1Annual Report Meeting of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences was attended by invited guests: Acad. O.Natishvili and Acad. O. Korakhashvili, academicians of Georgian Academy of Sciences. The former members of the Georgian Parliament, G. Topadze and Z. Tkemaladze, the Head of the Bio-systems Engineering Faculty of Technical University- Professors G. Tkemaladze and I. Kruashvili. The Consultants of Minister of Georgian Agriculture – T. Kunchulia and O. Kacharava, the Director of Scientific Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, Prof. L. Ujmajuridze and his deputy N. Khatiashvili.  The First Deputy of Ajara Ministry of Agriculture A. Meskhi.  The Director of Agro-service center G. Beridze, and deputy director I. Abuladze. The vice Rector of Kutaisi Tsereteli University R. Kopaliani and T. Gvinianidze. Rector of Gori University  V. Sukhishvili, General Director of Ltd. “Lomtagora” K. Lashkhi. Director of Ltd. “ Martsvali” prof. I. Zedginidze, Director of Ltd. “Lasharela” Z. Lashkhi, and others. Acad saerto kreba 2016 2

        An extended presentation, an annual report was made by Acad. Guram Aleksidze, The President of GAAS . Also the meeting participants were greeted by G. Topadze and Z. Tkemaladze.

On the second issue of the meeting the report was made by G. Margvelashvili, academician secretary of GAAS, and Other academicians of the Academy: J. Gugushvili, R. Makharoblidze, Z. Tskitihvili, N. Baghaturia, R. Chagelishvili,. O. Keshelashvili.

   Important presentations were delivered also by the following persons: Acad. N. Chitanava, Acad. P Koghuashvili, N. Khatiashvili, K. lashkhi, and  I, Zedginize.

    In accordance with the Agenda, the Meeting adopted the corresponding declaration: The Vice president Givi Japaridze spoke about opening a new department at the Academy – Forest Studies Scientific – research Department and declared about the main role of the department in the development scientific management of forestry. He declared about the appointment of Revaz Chagelishvili as the Academician-Secretary of Forest studies Scientific Department, GAAS.        

The President G. Aleksidze also delivered the honorable rewards and Diplomas for the best scientific work presented in the field of agriculture in 2016 to the following persons: Acad. R. Makharoblidze, Acad. G. Nikoleishvili, Acad. E. Shapakidze, Acad. J. Gugushvili, Prof. G. Gogol, and Prof. Ts. Samadashvili.  

Acad kreba 2016 3    

Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences,   Order #13

GAAS,   21,02,2017;   Order #13     

The results of the Contest the aim of which was to reveal the best fundamental and applied scientific work in agrarian sciences for the 2016:

  1. 1.According to the decision of the GAAS regarding the decision of the Academic(#2, 21,02,2017)  on awarding the best best fundamental and applied scientific work in agrarian sciences for the 2016, the following researches have been awarded:

1.1.  Specialty 0401 “ Agronomy “ Prof. Ts. Samadashvili and P. Naskidashvili, ( GAAS)

“Seed studies of Cultural Plant seeds” Tbilisi, 2014.

1.2.  Specialty 0403, “Cattle Breeding”.  J. Gugushvili, Acad. of GAAS, and Z. Lashkhi, Dr. of Agricultural Sciences for  “ Hybridization between the different breeds and species in Cattle breeding” Tbilisi, 2016

1.3.  Specialty 0415, “Agro-engineering” – R. Makharoblidze, Acad. GAAS. “ Actual Problems of Tractor Movement” ( Published in English). Saarbrucken, Germany: Lambert, 2016;Acad kreba 2016 4

1.4.  Specialty 0201305 “ Agribusiness Management” . G. Nikoleishvili, Member-correspondent of GAAS, and E. Shapakidze, Acad. GAAS.  Fundamental scientific works conducted in cericulture:  “Sericulture  - a common subject of care for the countries of (BACSA)Black Sea, Caspian and  Central Asia countries”. Tbilisi, 2014

“Georgian Sericulture – Problems, Rehabilitation and Revival”. Tbilisi, 2016

  1. 2.The winners were awarded with Diplomas and financial bonuses certifying the best scientific work presented in the field of agriculture in 2016.
  2. 3.The Accounting Department of the GAAS delivered the bonus ( 300 GEL) to each person acknowledged as the winner of the contest.Acad kreba 2016 5

The President of the GAAS                                  Academician Guram Aleksidze

Celebration of the International Women’s Day at the Academy: Meeting with women in science

On February 10, 2017, at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences a meeting with the women working in the different fields of agricultural sciences was held.

11 Tebervali 1Democratic principle of gender equality opens wide opportunities to women to make a significant contribution into growth of global economy to achieve sustainable development until 2030.

On December 22, 2015, General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution to declare the February 11th an International Day of Women and Girls working in the field of science. 11 Tebervali 3

The President of GAAS, G. Aleksidze invited to the Academy the women and girls working in the field of agrarian sciences and awarded them with the Certificates of Honor.

The following persons, the doctors of agricultural sciences were awarded for their significant contribution in the development of the field:  Marina Jikia, Marina Barvenashvili, Nato Kakabadze, Tamar Kacharava, Nanuli Chanukvadze, Nino Zakariadze, Mariam Khomasuridze, Irina Danelia, Maia Meladze, Tinatin Gogishvili, Mzagho Lobghanidze, Irma Inashvili, Ketevan Rokva, Tinatin Darsavelidze, Ketevan Dadiani, Maia Kereselidze, Lali Tabatadze, Maka Mdinaradze, Inga Gvineria, Diana Dzidziguri, Mzia Tvalavadze, Neli Kisishvili, Irma Shioshvili, and Nana Chinchilikashvili.  11 Tebervali 2

 GAAS congratulates the women of science and wishes success in personal and scientific life. 

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