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საქართველოს სოფლის მეურნეობის მეცნიერებათა აკადემია საქართველოს სოფლის მეურნეობის მეცნიერებათა აკადემია

საქართველოს სოფლის მეურნეობის მეცნიერებათა აკადემია

სამოც წელზე მეტი მეცნიერების და პროგრესის სამსახურში

საქართველოს სოფლის მეურნეობის მეცნიერებათა აკადემია

ინოვაცია, სიახლე, განვითარება...

სამეცნიერო განყოფილებები


Presentation of the book written by an prominent Georgian scholar

               Petriashvili On July 8, 2016, in the conference hall of the GAAS, a presentation of the book “Wine Making” written by a well-known Georgian scholar Vasil Petriashvili was held.

       The book was written and published in 1895, and re-edited in 2016 by a publishing house “ Merediani”.  A new edition can be used as a text-book for students, as well as for practitioners, particularly by family-type wine-makers.

The presentation was attended by GAAS members, the Rector of Georgian Technical University

Acad. D. Prangishvili, the Dean, Prof. G. Kvartskhava, renowned Georgian scholars, wine-makers, representatives of Georgian Patriarchy, invited guests.                       

 The presentation was opened by the acad. G. Aleksidze, the GAAS President.

 Acad. Nodar Chkhartishvili spoke about the life and creative and scholarly work of a researcher and about the significance of the book.

Prof. Bondo Kaladze, an editor, M. Beriashvili, the author of idea regarding a new edition, and G. Samanishvili and others spoke about the value of the book by V. Petriashvili and its significance.

After the presentation, a book “Wine-making in Georgia” was offered for sale to the participants. 

Petriashvili 1

Petriashvili 2

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05 თებერვალი 2025
თებერვალი 2025

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